This section includes documentation for features that have been removed from the current version of License Statistics. If you are running an older version of License Statistics, you may refer to these sections for information about these removed features.

Removed features include:


Removed In

Deleting datav6.0
Apache HTTP Serverv6.0
Grouping rows on Current Users report gridv6.0
Monitoring standalone applications with Usage Clientv5.15
Removing license server historical datav5.14

Merging realtime license servers with their duplicates created during upgrade to v4.6.1

Salesforce license monitoringv5.12
Error informationv5.0
Usage Per Feature reportv4.17
Command-line report utility, licstatreportv4.10
Feature versioningv4.9 (restored in v4.13.2)

Database edit utility, xfeditdb


Custom report utility, xfcustomreport
