The Usage Per User endpoint delivers license usage metrics specific to the Usage Per User report for selected types of aggregation (user, host, user and host, usergroup, hostgroup) over a given time period.
Obtaining information about usage per user for a feature
You can easily fetch metrics about usage per user by sending one of the following HTTP requests.
GET /api/v1/report/feature/${featureId}/usage-per-user/${returnType}?sd=${YYYY-MM-DD}&ed=${YYYY-MM-DD}&grat=${granularity}$(additional parameters, as needed)
GET /api/v1/report/license-server/${licenseServerId}/usage-per-user/${returnType}?sd=${YYYY-MM-DD}&ed=${YYYY-MM-DD}&grat=${granularity}$(additional parameters, as needed)
where $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a value that best suits your needs. The possible parameters are described below.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
${featureId} | Yes | integer | Internal License Statistics identification of the feature for which you want to view usage history. |
${licenseServerId} | Yes | integer/string | Internal License Statistics identification of the license server for which you want to view usage history, or "all" if information about all license servers is requested. |
${returnType} | Yes | string | Standard format option. See Making an API request for details. |
sd | Yes | date | Start date for which the report will be generated. |
ed | Yes | date | End date for which the report will be generated. |
grat | Yes | enumeration | Period type the result is aggregated for. HOUR granularity is not supported. See granularity descriptions for further details. |
agrt | No | integer | Type of aggregation of the returned data. Aggregation type can be one of the following:
By default, data is aggregated by user and host (3). |
standard report options | No | various | See Making an API request for details. |
On success, this report will contain one row for each feature for each aggregator for each period. Each row consists of the following columns.
Column | Full name | Type | Description | Visible by default in export |
fud | Date | string | The time period. Format depends on granularity. | |
uid | User ID | string | Internal License Statistics identification of the user for aggregations User(1) and User and Host(3). Otherwise, a semicolon-separated list of user IDs. | |
un | User | string | Name of the user for aggregations User(1) and User and host(3). Otherwise, a semicolon-separated list of usernames. | |
uil | User is from LDAP | string | Information about whether the user is managed by LDAP for aggregations User(1) and User and host(3). Otherwise, a null value. | |
ugn | User Group | string | Name of user group for aggregations Usergroup(4). Otherwise, an empty string. | |
hn | Host | string | Hostname for aggregations Host(2) and User and host(3). Otherwise, a semicolon-separated list of hostnames. | |
hgn | Host Group | string | Name of host group for aggregations Hostgroup(5). Otherwise, an empty string. | |
lsid | License Server ID | integer | Internal License Statistics identification of the license server hosting the feature. | |
lsn | License Server | string | Name of the license server hosting the feature. | |
fid | Feature ID | integer | Internal License Statistics identification of the feature. | |
fns | Feature Name | string | Feature name. | |
fv | Feature Version | string | Feature version. | |
ftype | Feature Type | enumeration | See feature type descriptions for details. | |
musage | Max Usage | float | Maximum usage of licenses in relation to total number of licenses in the period, expressed in percentages. | |
hu | Hours Used | float | Cumulative time used by all licenses of the feature in the period, in hours. | |
mu | Max Used | integer | Maximum number of licenses of the feature used in the period. | |
hb | Hours Borrowed | float | Cumulative time of all license borrows of the feature in the period, in hours. | |
mb | Max Borrowed | integer | Maximum number of licenses of the feature borrowed in the period. |
Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file.