Inaccurate statistics for HASP license server
HASP server logs often do not contain all the information necessary to obtain accurate statistics. If you notice problems with the data imported from the HASP server log file, you can see some improvement by configuring the HASP server to run with OPEN_SESSIONS (see configuration below). However, this still does not ensure 100% accuracy, because the HASP logs may still lack some usage data even with this value set.
License Statistics can handle HASP logs with or without the OPEN_SESSIONS value set. However, a single HASP server log file cannot both include and exclude the OPEN_SESSIONS value, so you must import log files that include the OPEN_SESSIONS value separately from log files that do not include this value.
HASP server log configuration syntax
If the log configuration is not correct, you may see a message similar to the following in the License Statistics log, even though the HASP log contained denial data:
NOTICE: File.log has been imported successfully, but was empty (no denials found).
Verify the configuration of the HASP server log if parsing fails. The HASP log configuration must be one of the following. Other formats are not currently supported.
To run with OPEN_SESSIONS:
{timestamp} {clientaddr}:{clientport} {clientid} {method} {url} {function}({functionparams}) open_sessions({sessioncount}) {newline}
To run without OPEN_SESSIONS:
{timestamp} {clientaddr}:{clientport} {clientid} {method} {url} {function}({functionparams}) {newline}