License Statistics version 6.23 includes the new features, enhancements and fixes detailed below. Most of these improvements were made in response to customer feedback. For more information on how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see Customer-driven development

When upgrading from License Statistics v6.17 and newer on Linux, use the DEB and RPM installers to update your installation automatically. 

In addition to learning about the changes in this release, we highly recommend reviewing the License Statistics v6.18 Release Notes if you are upgrading from an older version.


This release discontinued support for the xflicstat.cfg flag LICENSE_PATH. You must remove the LICENSE_PATH directive from your xflicstat.cfg file; otherwise, License Statistics will not start. Usage of the flag has been deprecated since License Statistics v6.18.

New features

Issue #DescriptionLicensing Model 2019

Introduced cache status reporting:

  • A new Cache tab that reports cache preparation status and allows for cache validation has been added to the Administration: License Servers page
  • Information about data preparation progress/failure is included in reports
  • API report endpoints return the http status code 202 Accepted  with data preparation progress 


Unified and added new report columns in UI and API:

  • Created consistent multicolumn format for:
    • Used
    • Borrowed
    • Reserved
    • Available
    • Host
  • Separated percentage columns from numeric columns to improve filtering, sorting and exporting
  • Added Total Duration column to appropriate reports

The Duration, Total Duration and Duration (%) columns give you important additional statistics that are based not only on the number of used licenses, but also on the duration of time the licenses were in use.



Extended notifications for Agent issues:

  • Made Online/Offline status visible for unsupported versions 
  • Removed the Agent status "Update Required" from the End User Agents grid and replaced it with the actual Online/Offline/Updating status 
  • Added warning that displays when Harvesting is disabled due to licensing limits

Added ability to enable/disable multiple license servers at once in the Administration: License Servers page


Issue #Description

Updated Java to v21.0.4

  • Java v21 is the only supported version
  • For recommended embedded JRE usage, no changes are required
  • If custom Java implementation is in use, make sure to update the JRE to v21

LICSTAT-23226Extended the Custom Application Event report to show events for all applications at once
LICSTAT-17727Improved License Servers grid in the Administration: License Servers page by marking the "Redundant" column as "N/A" when the license server does not support HAL
User Interface
LICSTAT-23470Improved progress bar for percentage columns in grids
LICSTAT-23468Improved formatting of grids by right-aligning numbers for all numeric grid columns

Added information to documentation about the special value of the "Still in use" property







Added column unification properties to all endpoints to support multicolumn view

  • Used
  • Borrowed
  • Reserved
  • Available
  • Host

We added new columns to API v3, but the previous columns are still available to support backward compatibility. Old columns that are no longer required or duplicated are deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the API.

LICSTAT-23385Improved CLI storage backup to work on running instance
LICSTAT-23126Made improvement to compute and transfer Agent configuration only when changes exist
License Managers
LICSTAT-23430Added ability to import XML file to Sentinel RMS
LICSTAT-23406Added support for GreenHills legacy
LICSTAT-23632Updated LM-X to v5.6.2
LICSTAT-23350Updated MySQL to v8.0.39
LICSTAT-23254Upgraded Sencha Cmd to v7.8
Removed features and support
LICSTAT-23559Stopped including liblmxvendor library with the installer

Deprecated redundant report API columns (to be removed in the next API version)

  • Time Used (tu)
  • Hours Used (hu, lhu)
  • Hours Total (lht)
  • Hours Borrowed (hb)
  • Max Usage (musage)
LICSTAT-23242Removed Debian 10 support

Removed license directory support



Issue #Description
LICSTAT-23582Fixed an issue with an error displaying after switching between different types of licenses
LICSTAT-23320Fixed issue with Agents incorrectly reporting their IP address as in some cases