The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.23 and newer, which introduced cache status. 

Cache preparation is a fully automated, background process that allows historical reports to be generated more quickly, rather than calculating the reports on demand. However, cache preparation may occasionally fail due to inconsistent data in older databases. You can review the cache status in report grids or from the Cache tab in the Administration: License Servers page to check that the cache preparation has been successful, as described below.

Reviewing cache status in report grids

The cache status is displayed on report grids that use cache data.

  • An "in progress" status displays when data is being prepared for specific servers and is not yet ready for the requested time range. You can wait until the data preparation is complete or check its progress by going to the Cache tab on the License Servers page (described below) to see whether the cache preparation was successful.

  • A "Data preparation failed" status occurs in cases where data inconsistency was detected during the cache preparation.

    The historical reports for the server with the failed cache preparation will not display until the problem is fixed; please contact X-formation Support for assistance. In some cases, X-Formation Support may instruct you to clear the cache to try to resolve the problem.  

Reviewing cache status in the License Servers page

License Statistics system administrators can review the cache status for license servers from the Cache tab in the Administration: License Servers page.

The Cache Status grid includes both hourly and daily cache status information:

  • Hourly Cache shows the preparation status upon the end of the previous hour's cache preparation
  • Daily Cache shows the preparation status upon the end of the previous day's cache preparation

The results for hourly and daily cache status show the last-cached hour/day and progress, which is color-coded and includes:

  • Green status: Cache up to date; reports using the server data and time range are available
  • Blue status: Cache preparation in progress; reports temporarily unavailable
  • Red status: Cache preparation failed (details are available by hovering over the status); reports that are generated using the cache will not be available until the problem is resolved

Cache invalidation

Above the License Servers Cache Status grid, there is a Delete Cache button that allows you to clear the cache. For more details on deleting the cache in order to fix issues with cache preparation, see Cache invalidation

Clearing the cache should be done with caution. Clearing the reports cache is usually performed only when requested by X-Formation Support to help resolve inconsistencies in cached data.

Although clearing the cache is in itself a quick process and no data will be lost, reports will be unavailable while the cache is re-created, which may take a few hours for larger databases.