License Statistics version 5.14.2 includes the fixes detailed below. Most of these improvements were made in response to customer feedbackFor more information on how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see Customer-driven development. For information about activating your License Statistics license, see Activating a License Statistics license on Windows or Activating a License Statistics license online.

In addition to learning about the changes in this release, we highly recommend reviewing the License Statistics v5.14 Release Notes.


License Statistics v5.14.2 includes the following fixes.

Issue #Description
LICSTAT-15004Fixed an issue with erroneously updating the last update time when query failed.
LICSTAT-15003Fixed an issue with incorrect license type displayed in the footer.
LICSTAT-15001Fixed an issue with log level being set too high for expected exit code 1 for some query tools.
LICSTAT-14995Fixed an issue with case-sensitive lookup when importing license server.
LICSTAT-14991Fixed an issue with License Activator requiring Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Packages, which was not part of the installer. License Activator now uses Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Packages.
LICSTAT-14979Fixed data insertion failure that sometimes occurred upon the first license server query.
LICSTAT-14977Fixed an issue with parsing denial logs for Dassault license server.
LICSTAT-14974Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when inserting data from Sentinel license server.
LICSTAT-14973Fixed failure to insert data for Dassault license server due to parsed vendor name not matching existing vendor name.