Obtaining a feature list
You can easily list features recognizable by License Statistics by sending the following HTTP request.
GET /api/v1/feature/${returnType}
where $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a value that best suits your needs. The possible parameters are described below.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
${returnType} | Yes | string | Standard format option. See Making an API request for details. |
standard report options | No | various | See Making an API request for details. |
On success, report will contain one row for each feature recognizable by License Statistics. Each row consists of columns:
Column | Full name | Type | Description | Visible by default in export |
fid | Feature ID | integer | Internal License Statistics identification of the feature. | |
fns | Feature Name | string | Feature name. | |
ftype | Feature Type | enumeration | See feature type descriptions for details. | |
fv | Feature Version | string | Feature version. | |
lsid | License Server ID | integer | Internal License Statistics identification of license server hosting the feature. | |
lsn | License Server | string | Name of license server hosting the feature. | |
vn | Vendor | string | Vendor of license server hosting the feature. | |
gtn | Gathering | enumeration | Gathering type of license server hosting the feature. See gathering type descriptions for further details. |
Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file.
The following examples make use of the GET method.
Example 1
The following example shows a command that gets the list of all License Statistics features.
curl -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/feature/json"
Example 2
The following example shows a command that obtains feature information, filtered by name and version and output to CSV format.
curl --data "filter=[{\"type\"=\"string\", \"field\"=\"fn\", \"value\"=\"abc\"}, {\"type\"=\"string\", \"field\"=\"fv\", \"value\"=\"2.1\"}]" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/feature/csv"
Example 3
The following example shows a command that gets information about a feature with an ID of "1."
curl --data-urlencode "filter=[{\"type\"=\"numeric\", \"field\"=\"fid\", \"comparison\"=\"eq\" \"value\"=\"1\"}]" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/feature/json"