License Statistics version v6.0.2 includes the enhancements and fixes detailed below. Most of these improvements were made in response to customer feedback. For more information on how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see Customer-driven development

For information about activating your License Statistics license, see Activating a License Statistics license on Windows or Activating a License Statistics license online.

In addition to learning about the changes in this release, we highly recommend reviewing the License Statistics v6.0 Release Notes, License Statistics v5.15 Release Notes and License Statistics v5.14 Release Notes if you are upgrading from an older version.


License Statistics v6.0.2 includes the following enhancements.

Issue #Description

Multiple improvements have been introduced to LDAP support including:

  • ability to disable automatic user creation separately from LDAP authentication
  • "Authenticate using LDAP" checkbox for a user gets disabled with proper message if LDAP authentication is disabled for entire application
  • changing local password is disabled for LDAP authenticated user both in Account Settings and User Management


License Statistics v6.0.2 includes the following fixes.

Issue #Description
LICSTAT-16178Fixed an issue with automatic re-subscribing users to email notifications after LDAP authentication.
LICSTAT-16150Fixed an issue with exporting report when it's data is not ready yet.
LICSTAT-16148Fixed an issue with exporting feature Usage History for license server group.