The information on this page refers to License Statistics 6.0 and newer, which introduced a new user interface (UI). If you are using a version previous to v6.0, see documentation for previous versions.

To see a report on the user count for all realtime servers, select the Realtime Users Count page under the under the Reports section in the left navigation pane.

The Realtime Users Count report includes a grid and chart that show the number of Concurrent Hosts, Total Users, Daily Users, and Denied Users on all realtime servers for every day usage is monitored, as illustrated below.

Click the view icon  under the Action column to see a list of all user on host pairs using a license throughout the 14 days prior to the date selected. For example, if you select to view the user history for 2016/03/14, the history will show all users and hosts for 2019/02/29 through 2019/03/14.

Note the following for the Realtime Users Count report: