The information on this page refers to License Statistics 6.0 and newer, which introduced a new user interface (UI). If you are using a version previous to v6.0, see documentation for previous versions.

The pages under the Features section in the left navigation pane let you see realtime usage, history of usage, user history, history of utilization (percentage), and (when applicable) denials.

You can also click on a feature name in any Feature column in a grid (for example, from the Current Utilization grid on the Dashboard or the License Server Current Usage grid under the License Server section) to automatically go to the Usage History page for that feature. (Note that License Statistics accommodates having multiple servers for one application.)

General feature information

All feature usage pages include a General Information area at the top of the page that shows general information about the selected feature, including:

Note that if the last update time for the feature exceeds 2 minutes, the last update time will display in red. Expired features are indicated by a warning icon, as shown above for Used features.

Feature identifiers

Throughout License Statistics, features shown in lists include a separate entry for each version of that feature, and are named feature_version. Versioning provides a finer granularity to report results, which is useful when you have multiple versions of particular features that you want to track individually. For example, under IBM LUM, the Catia MD2 application cost varies depending on version, so Feature Versioning can help when considering budget for one version versus another version.

Feature names in lists also include the feature type, which can be Floating, Nodelocked, or Token. Note that if a given feature has more than one type, it will be listed in lists once for each type.

For example, say you have a feature called F1, for which you have a floating installation of version 1.0 and both a node-locked and floating installation of version 2.0. This would appear in Feature lists as follows:

F1_1.0 (Floating)

F1_2.0 (Floating)

F1_2.0 (Nodelocked)   

In grids such as License Server Current Usage, feature identifiers are displayed in three separate columns: Name, Version, and Type. If a given feature has more than one type, it will be listed in usage grids once for each type.

Hiding a feature

You can hide the currently selected feature by clicking the Hide icon  in the upper right of the General Information title bar.