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The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.14 and newer, which introduced schema settings and expanded LDAP support to include LDAP and LDAP with POSIX, as well as providing support for custom LDAP configuration. 

The LDAP page (Administration: LDAP, visible only for License Statistics administrator users) lets you optionally define schema settings for LDAP Users Import and LDAP Authentication. This functionality is intended for advanced users in order to configure mapping of fields between License Statistics and the LDAP directory instance. The schema settings are fully customizable, and are initially populated with entries according to the Directory Type selected when defining the configuration (Active Directory, LDAP, or LDAP with POSIX). 

LDAP Users Import

To see the schema settings for LDAP Users Import, click the Schema Settings expand button in the Enable LDAP Users Import area of the LDAP page:

The following table defines the available schema settings for LDAP User Import.  Fields are optional unless otherwise noted.

Schema FieldDescriptionExample
User Type

LDAP user object class type





User Name

User name attribute field of the user





User First NameFirst Name attribute field of the usergivenName
User Last NameLast Name attribute field of the usersurName
User DescriptionDescription attribute field of the userdescription
User EmailEmail attribute field of the usermail
User TelephoneTelephone attribute field of the usertelephoneNumber
User CompanyCompany attribute field of the usercompany
User DepartmentDepartment attribute field of the userdepartment
User TitleTitle attribute field of the usertitle
User CountryCountry attribute field of the usercountry
User CityCity attribute field of the usercity
User Postal CodePostal code attribute field of the userpostalCode
User Post Office BoxPost office box attribute field of the userpostOfficeBox
User Street AddressStreet address attribute field of the userstreetAddress
User ProvinceProvince attribute field of the userprovince
Group Type

LDAP attribute objectClass value




Group Name 

Name attribute field of the user group


Group Description Description attribute field of the user groupdescription
Group Membership
Group Membership Strategy

Strategy of resolving group membership of the user

  • MEMBER_OF - default, recommended
  • MEMBER - not recommended, use only if MEMBER_OF is not supported by the LDAP server due to potential performance issues  
Select MEMBER_OF or MEMBER from pick-list
Group Membership Group membership attribute field of the user



LDAP Authentication

To see the schema settings for LDAP Authentication, click the Schema Settings expand button in the Enable LDAP Authentication area of the LDAP page:

Schema FieldDescriptionExample
Account Type

The LDAP user object class type





Account Name

Name attribute field of the account





Account Display Name

Display name attribute field of the account


Account EmailEmail attribute field of the accountmail
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