Versions Compared


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The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.18 and newer, which introduced the CLI. If you are using an earlier version of License Statistics, please refer to the documentation for previous releases. 


Executing custom SQL statements on the database can result in data loss or corruption. Run this procedure only when requested to do so by X-Formation Support.


  1. Create a backup of your database.
  2. Stop License Statistics.
  3. Open a terminal/console in administration mode. 
  4. Go to the License Statistics installation directory. 
    • For Windows:

      Code Block
      cd C:\Program Files\X-Formation\License Statistics

    • For Linux:

      Code Block
      cd /opt/xflicstat/bin

  5. Execute the SQL script delivered to you by X-Formation Support.
    • For Windows:

      Code Block
      xflicstat-cli.exe storage restoreapply --confirm [download_file_directory]\script.sql

    • For Linux:

      Code Block
      ./xflicstat-cli storage restoreapply --confirm [download_file_directory]/script.sql

  6. Start License Statistics