Versions Compared


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Troubleshooting for issues associated with license servers are discussed in the sections below.

Inability to query license server

If License Statistics cannot query the license server, the log will contain an error message such as the following:


To do this, navigate from a command line to the directory that contains the query tool and follow the instructions below, depending on which license server you are checking. If there are errors in the communication between the license server and License Statistics, you will receive information about the errors. Otherwise, you will see normal statistics information for the indicated license server.


For an LM-X license server, type the command:


where host and port are the host and port appropriate for your license server. The host and port designations are optional. If the host information is omitted, the local host is used; if the port information is omitted, the default port is used.



For a FLEXlm/FlexNet an Altair license server, type the following commandscommand:

almutil -licstatxml [-host host -port port]

where host and port are the host and port appropriate for your license server. The host and port designations are optional. If the host information is omitted, the local host is used; if the port information is omitted, the default port is used.


For a CodeMeter license server, type the command:

cmu32.exe --list-network --server host [--firmcode vendor]

where host is the hostname appropriate for your license server, and vendor is the vendor daemon's name. Specifying the vendor is also optional.  

Green Hills Software 

For a Green Hills Software license server, type the command:

lic_find_licenses -w -l host:port

where port and host are the port and host appropriate for your license server.


For a FLEXlm/FlexNet license server, type the commands:lmutil lmstat -a -c [port]@host [-S vendor]

lmutil lmdiag -n -c [port]@host
lmutil lmstat -i -a -c -i [port]@host [-S vendor]

where port and host are the port and host appropriate for your license server, and vendor is the vendor daemon's name (this name is case-sensitive by FlexNet's default license server configuration). The port designation is optional; if it is omitted, the default port is used. Specifying the vendor is also optional.  

FLEXlm/FlexNet with enabled HAL

To query a FlexNet HAL license server manually for Linux, type the commands:

lmutil lmdiag -n -c [port]@host1:host2:host3
lmutil lmstat -i -a -c [port]@host1:host2:host3 [-S vendor]

To query a FlexNet HAL license server manually for Windows, type the commands:

lmutil lmdiag -n -c [port]@host1;host2;host3
lmutil lmstat -i -a -c [port]@host1;host2;host3 [-S vendor]


For an RLM license server, type the command:


where port and host are the port and host appropriate for your license server. The port designation is optional; if it is omitted, the default port is used.

Sentinel LM/RMS

For a Sentinel LM/RMS license server, type the command:

lsmon -u -s [host]

lsmon -s [host]

lsmon -u -s [host]  

where host is the host appropriate for your license server. The host designation is optional; if it is omitted, the local host is used.



For an IBM LUM license server, type the command:


where host is the host appropriate for your license server.


For a Dassault license server, you can get license or , user, and denials information by following the procedures below. Output from the example commands is printed in the output.txt file.

To get license information: 

  1. Create a text file named filegli.txt.
  2. Add the following four lines to filegli.txt:

    c host port

    where host and port are the host and port appropriate for your license server.
  3. Run the command:

    dslicsrv -admin -i file.txt gli.txt -t output.txt

To get information about users who are using licenses:

  1. Create a text file named file2glu.txt.
  2. Add the following four lines to file2glu.txt:

    c host port
    glu -all

    where host and port are the host and port appropriate for your license server.
  3. Run the command: 

    dslicsrv -admin -i file2glu.txt -t output.txt

Realtime usage error

If a monitored license server is hosted on a different machine than License Statistics is installed on, the license server's response to License Statistics' query about its status may be delayed. In such cases, a warning such as the following occurs for each query that was delayed. 

[2012/05/10 08:00:00] WARNING: Capturing realtime usage for license server hostname was delayed xx seconds. This delay may cause loss of statistics! 


To get information about denials:

  1. Create a text file named sl.txt.

  2. Add the following four lines to sl.txt:

    c host port
    sl -from date hour

    • host and port are the host and port appropriate for your license server,
    • date is in YYYY/MM/DD format, and hour is in HH:MM:SS format.
      (Note that you should use current values for date and hour.)

  3. Run the command:

    dslicsrv -admin -i sl.txt -t output.txt


Using Autodesk with License Statistics Agent

When using Autodesk with License Statistics Agent, if the Agent is running but is not reporting any usage (the service is not running or there are no usage files), try the following troubleshooting steps, in order:

  1. License Statistics tracks checked out licenses, not open applications, so ensure that at least one user is logged into the Autodesk application.  
  2. After ensuring that a user is logged into Autodesk, wait for several minutes to determine whether the Agent is reporting usage. If it is still not reporting usage, continue to the next step.
  3. Open the Windows Task Manager from the machine where the Agent is installed, and go to the Services tab.
  4. Send X-Formation Support a screenshot of the entire list of services (this may require multiple screenshots if the list is long). 
  5. Zip the following directories (which contain logs and other useful files for troubleshooting), and email the zip files to X-Formation Support:
    C:\ProgramData\X-Formation\License Statistics Agent
    C:\Users\ %USERNAME% \AppData\Local\Autodesk
    C:\Users\ %USERNAME% \AppData\Roaming\Autodesk
  6. In your email to X-Formation Support, include the version number of your License Statistics installation.

Autodesk Terms of Service requirement

Autodesk requires that a Terms of Service agreement be accepted, which may be requested before it's possible to log in to

Image Added

When this occurs, the proper information will be logged, and the remote monitoring of Autodesk won't be possible until you manually log in to and accept the terms.

EPLAN License Manager 

There is a single command that uses a different template for every kind of data retrieval. The template has to be saved to a file, and its path has to be passed as <path-to-xml-file>.


<path-to-elm-monitor-dir>\ElmMonitor.exe /Createreport /Servername:<host-of-license-server> /Xmlfile:<path-to-xml-file> /Timezone:Computer /Lasthours:12 /Lang:1033


.\ElmMonitor.exe /Createreport /Servername:localhost:80 /Xmlfile:.\current_users.xml /Timezone:Computer /Lasthours:12 /Lang:1033

Code Block
titleTemplate for current users
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<logfile separator="comma" time="%H:%M:%S" date="%Y-%m-%d" path="C:\elm" extension="csv" name="current_users">
    <list value="current">
        <text>EPLAN License Manager Version %ELM_VERSION</text>
        <username format="%USER" value="all" header="user_name"/>
        <usercomputer value="all" header="host_name"/>
        <actiontime value="all" header="event_time"/>
        <bundle value="all" header="bundle"/>
        <module value="all" header="module"/>
        <expiretime value="all" header="borrow_expire"/>

Code Block
titleTemplate for features
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<logfile separator="comma" time="%H:%M:%S" date="%Y-%m-%d" path="C:\elm" extension="csv" name="current_features">
    <defaultbundle_summary value="current">
        <text>EPLAN License Manager Version %ELM_VERSION</text>
        <module value="all" header="module"/>
        <totalissued value="all" header="total"/>
        <totalinuse value="all" header="in_use"/>
        <totalborrowissued value="all" header="borrow_total"/>
        <totalborrowed value="all" header="borrow_in_use"/>

Code Block
titleTemplate for bundled features
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<logfile separator="comma" time="%H:%M:%S" date="%Y-%m-%d" path="C:\elm" extension="csv" name="current_bundled_features">
    <defaultbundle_summary value="current">
        <text>EPLAN License Manager Version %ELM_VERSION</text>
        <module value="all" header="module"/>
        <totalissued value="all" header="total"/>
        <totalinuse value="all" header="in_use"/>
        <totalborrowissued value="all" header="borrow_total"/>
        <totalborrowed value="all" header="borrow_in_use"/>

Code Block
titleTemplate for denials
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<logfile separator="comma" time="%H:%M:%S" date="%Y-%m-%d" path="C:\elm" extension="csv" name="denials">
        <text>EPLAN License Manager Version %ELM_VERSION</text>
        <username format="%USER" value="all" header="user_name"/>
        <usercomputer value="all" header="host_name"/>
        <actiontime value="all" header="event_time"/>
        <action value="IN" header="event_type"/>
        <state value="^FAILURE.*" header="action_state"/>
        <bundle value="all" header="bundle"/>
        <module value="all" header="module"/>