Versions Compared


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License Statistics version 5.2 includes the enhancements and fixes detailed below. Most of these improvements were made in response to customer feedback. For more information on how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see see Customer-driven development.For information about activating your License Statistics license, see  Activating Activating a License Statistics license on Windows or Activating a License Statistics licenseslicense online.


License Statistics v5.2 includes the following enhancements.

LICSTAT-9691Enhanced LDAP administration settings.
LICSTAT-9653Improved Email configuration form in the Email tab in the Administration page.
LICSTAT-9644Added Group Type column to the User Groups table in the User Groups tab.
LICSTAT-9514Improved editing license server groups in the Current Usage report.
LICSTAT-9424Improved the form for adding/editing user groups.
LICSTAT-9423Enhanced User Groups data table.
 Made improvements to the Feature usage history report.
LICSTAT-9368Improved the mechanism of adding/editing host groups in the Host Groups tab in the Administration area of the License Statistics UI.
LICSTAT-9367Made improvements to the Host Groups grid in the Host Groups tab in the Administration page.
LICSTAT-9270Introduced ability to add the Currently Borrowed Licenses report to the Dashboard.
LICSTAT-9211Introduced an additional option for choosing the verification mode of LDAP over SSL protocol.
LICSTAT-9205Improved OLicense realtime data parser.
LICSTAT-9201Added UI support for TASKING License Manager (TLM).
LICSTAT-9113Introduced ability to add the Realtime Users Count to the Dashboard and made other enhancements to the report's UI preferences.
LICSTAT-8887Introduced ability to add the Feature Usage History report to the Dashboard.
LICSTAT-8874Made enhancements to the UI for the Currently Borrowed Licenses report, e.g introduced the ability to add this report to the Dashboard.
LICSTAT-8840Added support for TASKING License Manager (TLM).
LICSTAT-7870Improved LM-X realtime data parser.


License Statistics v5.2 includes the following fixes.

LICSTAT-9519Eliminated a problem with a wrong date format for Dassault license server.
LICSTAT-9469Fixed a problem with License Statistics not supporting the "-" sign appearing together with the "/" sign in one username for FlexNet license server.
LICSTAT-9449Eliminated an error which occurred when trying to load the User History graph which was caused by running License Statistics on an unsupported version of MySQL.
LICSTAT-9405Fixed a problem with an unsupported tilde (~) character in LMSTAT output for FlexNet realtime parser.
LICSTAT-9381Made minor fixes to the consistency in naming for the Currently Borrowed Licenses report.
LICSTAT-9380Set the color for date text in the Borrow Expiration column of the Currently Borrowed Licenses report to red and made other minor fixes to UI.


Fixed a typo in the License Statistics log file.

Optimized Grouped Checkout Denials chart.

LICSTAT-8661Eliminated parsing failures occurring where no username was provided for a feature for a Dassault license server.