Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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License Statistics version 5.14 includes the enhancements and fixes detailed below. Most of these improvements were made in response to customer feedback. For more information on how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see Customer-driven development. For information about activating your License Statistics license, see Activating a License Statistics license on Windows or Activating a License Statistics license online.


This release is a result of our hard work to improve License Statistics performance in terms of the number of servers, features and users it is possible to monitor. We achieved these improvements by making changes in data structure and application architecture and by reducing the number of technologies used (which will be continued in future releases for easier maintenance and higher stability). It's also expected that the amount of resources required to run License Statistics will decrease.

Details about the changes introduced in this release are given below. For larger installations, we strongly recommend testing the upgrade procedure before running License Statistics v5.14 in production. If you have any questions or problems, please contact X-Formation Support.

titleDatabase Structure

This release significantly modified the database structure. Make sure you follow the License Statistics upgrade procedure for embedded or external database, especially:

  • Create a backup of the License Statistics database in case of any issues with the data migration.
  • Use the new configuration file (xflicstat.cfg) delivered with License Statistics, and adjust it to your needs instead of copying your previous configuration file to the new installation.

titleSQL Console

Due to significant changes in database structure, we are not able to deliver backward compatibility for custom queries saved in SQL Console. Saved queries may stop working after upgrading to License Statistics v5.14, and they will have to be removed or adjusted to accommodate the new structure.

titleConfiguration file

Renaming of the REPORTSERVER_PORT key to CORE_HTTP_PORT is a breaking change in xflicstat.cfg. License Statistics won't start if this configuration key isn't changed.


License Statistics v5.14 includes the following enhancements.

Issue #Description
New database structure




Made significant performance improvements in terms of:

  • report generation
  • increased maximum number of monitored license servers, features and users
  • reduced resource consumption (less CPU, memory and storage capacity required for larger application setups)





Redesigned data aggregation system to gain report performance improvement.
LICSTAT-13024Changed the method of executing migrations by one component instead of two.
LICSTAT-12573Migrated from old sampling-based data structure to new event-based data structure.




Removed all database views, triggers and stored procedures.
Improved application architecture




Separate Java components were merged into single multi-module Java component to reduce resource consumption and simplify maintenance.

Old componentsNew component
  • api.jar
  • core.jar
  • parser.jar
  • querytool.jar
  • report.jar
  • core.jar


Made changes in configuration file (xflicstat.cfg):

  • Renamed key:
    • REPORTSERVER_PORT to CORE_HTTP_PORT (default 8060)
  • Removed keys:

LICSTAT-14235Former C++ code responsible for querying, parsing and analyzing data from License Servers was re-designed and re-implemented in Java.


Separate C++ libraries were rewritten to single multi-module Java component to reduce technological stack and simplify architecture.

Old componentsNew component
  • xflicstat_core.dll
  • core.jar

Parser adjustments

Implemented stricter xsd structure for custom license server:

Attribute nameRequiredPreviously allowed valuesCurrently allowed values

Any string

  • Empty string
  • "permanent"
  • A date in the format:

Any string

A date in the format:
YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm


Any string

A date in the format:
YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm




Unified algorithm for parsing Reserved and Borrowed licenses, regardless of license manager type:

  • Borrowed licenses are always included in usage
  • Reserved licenses are never included in usage

Note: Previously, reserved licenses were considered as used for FlexNet License Manager, but were not considered used for LM-X, Custom and DSLS license managers.

LICSTAT-12884Introduced consistent parsing results across all supported license managers compatible with previously gathered data and new database structure.
LICSTAT-4198Dropped support for disabling Feature Versioning for IBM LUM import usage parser in configuration file (DENYLOG_FEATURE_VERSIONING).
API enhancements




Extended API endpoints for operations on license servers.




Added API endpoints for operations on license server aliases.
LICSTAT-14069Added API endpoint to get status of scheduled tasks (previously requested asynchronous operation).
LICSTAT-12379Added API endpoints for operations on features.
LICSTAT-12378Added API endpoints for operations on feature composites (lists of matching features on different license servers that are part of the same license server group).
LICSTAT-12364Added API endpoints for Database Management operations.



Improved handling when the License Statistics license's expiration date or limit on monitored users is exceeded.

License exceeded scenarioPrevious handlingCurrent handling

Expiration date expires while application is running.

(Not applicable to Perpetual license.)

All license servers are disabled.

User needs to enable them manually after the license is renewed.

Monitoring of all license servers is turned off, but license servers are not disabled (enabled flag is not changed).

After license renewal, license server monitoring is automatically turned on, up to the new license limit. If the maximum number of allowed license servers is fewer than in the previously expired license, then the maximum number of oldest license servers will be turned on.

2Maximum allowed user count from last 14 days was exceeded while monitoring license server.

All data read from license server in current iteration is not saved in database. License server is DISABLED.

User needs to enable them manually after the license is renewed.

All data read from license server in current iteration is not saved in database and email notification is sent (if configured). License server is NOT DISABLED. Data from future iterations will be stored if the license allows for it.

Note: Licensing rules and types of supported licenses are not changed. All existing licenses remain active on the same conditions as before.

Additional enhancements

Added new email alert for exceeding License Statistics license's user limit.

LICSTAT-14856Changed calculation of users for Current License Usage pie chart on Current Users report to match calculation used for licensing (user-host pairs or usernames only).
LICSTAT-14822Extended SQL Console with ability to make queries returning results in addition to SELECT (for example, SHOW or EXPLAIN queries can now be used).
LICSTAT-14669Importing LDAP User Groups functionality no longer creates empty User Groups.




Links to services that are no longer supported have been removed from email templates, GUI, installer, etc.:




EULA in installer has been updated to newest available version.
LICSTAT-14513Dropped ability to "Remove historical data" using the License Server tab. The entire license server can now be removed using the Administration tab, even if there is no configuration for it.

Introduced information about newest available License Statistics version on page footer.

Note: This feature requires an internet connection; otherwise, no information about new versions will be visible.

LICSTAT-14460Removed functionality of merging two realtime license servers, which was conditionally possible due to an old bug in v4.6.1.

After making changes to user, host, or license server groups, License Statistics automatically re-generates the reports according to the changes.

Note: It typically takes a few minutes before changes are visible on reports using the edited groups.

LICSTAT-13490Improved label for the Data Removal feature to clarify that the selected day is removed inclusively.
LICSTAT-12940Improved quality of data presented on Usage Per User report. Max columns for group aggregations are calculated based on maximum concurrent usage, not the sum of user maximum usages.
LICSTAT-12449Changed Realtime Users Count report to show Denied Users count for the particular date, instead of an incremental sum of historical denials.
LICSTAT-12390Prevented removing data from current day using the Data Removal feature.
LICSTAT-10995Changed Usage Per User report data aggregation to delay until end of the first day of running License Statistics. All Usage Per User reports are now automatically available starting the day following the day that the first data was gathered.


License Statistics v5.14 includes the following fixes.

Issue #Description
LICSTAT-14913Fixed an issue with inability to import usage from SPLM log file.
LICSTAT-14910Fixed an issue with invalid link to Current Usage for feature group.
LICSTAT-14875Fixed an issue with expired features being visible on tooltip on Expiring Features Chart.
LICSTAT-14870Fixed an issue with misleading text for empty Imported License Servers grid.
LICSTAT-14864Fixed an issue with filter not working on Feature drop-down list.
LICSTAT-14863Fixed an issue with error when timeout occurred on one of redundant DSLS license servers.
LICSTAT-14862Fixed an issue with error when importing FlexNet log file.
LICSTAT-14855Fixed an issue with error when exporting a report with a large number of columns to PDF.
LICSTAT-14824Fixed an issue with SQL Console result grid visible for some queries that were returning no output.



Fixed an issue with failing migration 102.



Fixed an issue with slow rendering of some charts.
LICSTAT-14800Fixed an issue with broken grid pagination on Expiring Features report.
LICSTAT-14782Fixed an issue with incorrect documentation for Hours Used for Usage Per User report.
LICSTAT-14780Fixed an issue with inability to add Email Subscription for License Server with one Feature using "All" option.
LICSTAT-14775Fixed an issue with incorrect date format saved in GUI Preferences for Feature Usage History grid on Dashboard.
LICSTAT-14771Fixed an issue with too long LDAP connection timeout for authorization and settings verification.
LICSTAT-14768Fixed an issue with invalid End Date saved for Time Interval settings in GUI Preferences.
LICSTAT-14761Fixed an issue with misleading text on Current Feature Usage grid when no data is visible.
LICSTAT-14746Fixed an issue with invalid rounding of values for Feature Utilization.




Fixed an issue with not closing some open sessions in database on time.
LICSTAT-14741Fixed an issue with missing text for empty Feature Usage History grid when Hours Used column is hidden.



Fixed an issue with stopping application processes.
LICSTAT-14615Fixed an issue with active link to hidden license server on Administration page.
LICSTAT-14488Fixed an issue with inconsistent support for disabling Realtime Denials.
LICSTAT-14266Fixed an issue with lack of visible error message for invalid license server configuration.
LICSTAT-14080Fixed an issue with missing documentation for OLicense and TLM query tools.
LICSTAT-13259Fixed an issue with missing Last Import Time for some license servers.
LICSTAT-13242Fixed an issue with some sessions being merged into one on User History report.
LICSTAT-12455Fixed an issue with inability to call query tool command with specific arguments.
LICSTAT-12291Fixed an issue with missing file names in installer.
LICSTAT-10302Fixed an issue with logout on Feature Visibility page when hidden License Server was loaded from GUI Preferences.