Versions Compared


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The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.17 or newer, which changed the License Statistics installation procedure for Linux. If you are running a previous version of License Statistics, see documentation for previous versions.

If your Linux platform distribution is other than DEB or RPM Debian, Ubuntu, or RedHat Enterprise Linux (which have dedicated installers), License Statistics can be installed on most other Linux platforms using a universal , or you need more control over the installation process, you can use the generic (universal) installer.

This installation method requires more manual configuration than the DEB and RPM installers, but allows for a high level of customization including:

  • Running the application with a custom user
  • Optionally running the application in non-service mode
  • Customizing locations for files in the filesystem
  • Running the application on more platforms distributions than officially supported DEB and RPM


The following generic Linux installation procedure can be customized according to your needs.


All paths and commands used in the descriptions below are just examples of a customized installation procedure. This installation procedure requires advanced experience with customized installation, and all customizations are made at your own risk.

  1. Download the License Statistics installation from the License Statistics download page.
  2. Create user and group.

    Code Block
    addgroup --system licstat
    adduser --ingroup licstat --no-create-home --system --disabled-login --shell /bin/false licstat

  3. Create installation and data directories.


    Back up all configuration and data files, especially the configuration file, MySQL data, and the license file.

    Installation directory

    Code Block
    mkdir -p /opt/xflicstat

    Data directories
    For MySQL:

    Code Block
    mkdir -p /var/opt/xflicstat/mysql

    For license file:

    Code Block
    mkdir -p /var/opt/xflicstat/license

    For logs:

    Code Block
    mkdir -p /var/opt/xflicstat/log

    For temporary and runtime files:

    Code Block
     mkdir -p /var/opt/xflicstat/tmp

    Set ownership and group:

    Code Block
    chown licstat:licstat /opt/xflicstat \ 
    	/var/opt/xflicstat/mysql \ 
    	/var/opt/xflicstat/license \ 
    	/var/opt/xflicstat/log \ 
    	/var /opt/xflicstat/tmp

  4. Extract License Statistics:

    Code Block
    tar xzf license_statistics_v6.17.0_linux_x64.tar.gz -C /opt/xflicstat

    and set ownership:

    Code Block
    chown -R licstat:licstat /opt/xflicstat/

  5. Set the port in the License Statistics configuration file /opt/xflicstat/conf/xflicstat.cfg:

    Code Block
    	# if not run as root port must be greater than 1024

  6. Set options in the MySQL configuration file /opt/xflicstat/embedded/etc/mysql/mysql.conf:

    Code Block
    user = licstat 
    	# if installation is different then /opt/xflicstat:
    	# if mysql data dir is different then /var/opt/xflicstat/mysql:

  7. Bootstrap the database:

    Code Block
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/xflicstat/embedded/lib /opt/xflicstat/embedded/bin/mysqld \
    				--defaults-file=/opt/xflicstat/embedded/etc/mysql/mysql.conf \ 

  8. Copy the default file:

    Code Block
    cp /opt/xflicstat/scripts/default /etc/default/xflicstat

    and set in /etc/default/xflicstat:

    Code Block

  9. Install systemd unit:

    Code Block
    cp /opt/xflicstat/scripts/xflicstat.service /lib/systemd/system/xflicstat.service

    and edit:

    Code Block
    systemctl edit xflicstat.service

    and set:

    Code Block

    If installation directory is different than /opt/xflicstat, also set the new installation directory with:

    Code Block
    ExecStart=/opt/xflicstat/bin/xflicstat --run --logDir ${LOG_DIRECTORY} --licenseDir ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY} --tmpDir ${TMP_DIRECTORY}

  10. Reload systemd:

    Code Block
    systemctl --system daemon-reload

    and optionally enable License Statistics to start with system:

    Code Block
    systemctl enable xflicstat.service


Code Block
systemctl stop xflicstat.service

Removing the service

  1. Stop the service.
  2. Remove the directories with or without data directories, according to your needs.
