The information on this page refers to LM-X v5.0, which added the upgrade license type. If you are using an older version of LM-X, please refer to documentation for earlier versions.

Licenses are text files that can be accessed by a licensed application in two distinct ways:

  • Locally, from a local hard drive
  • Remotely, from a dedicated license server across a network

If you open a license file in a text editor, you will see a definition for the license in the following format:

FEATURE Feature_Name

When the COUNT keyword exists in the license file, the license is intended for use on a license server; otherwise, the license is considered to be local and can be used directly with the protected application. The example above indicates that there are 5 network licenses for the application.

The following is an example of a local license file (the actual key has been abbreviated):

END = 2015-01-01
KEY = F2DNR9K...

The following is an example of a network license file (the actual key has been abbreviated):

END = 2015-01-01
KEY = F2DNR9K...
COUNT = 12

The license file path may be set in the license server configuration file. See License server configuration file for more information about specifying the license sever path.

The vendor may include various optional settings in a license that supply license information or control how the license may be used. The settings that can be included in a license are shown below.

VERSION = (Version number of the feature.)
LICENSEE = (User or company to whom the license was issued.)
START = (Date on which the feature becomes valid.)
END = (Date on which the feature expires.)
MAINTENANCE_START = (Date the license maintenance plan begins.)
MAINTENANCE_END = (Date the license maintenance plan expires.)
ISSUED = (Date the license was created.)
SN = (Custom serial number for the license.)
DATA = (Additional information regarding the license.)
COMMENT = (Additional information regarding the license.)
OPTIONS = (Additional licensing options.)
PLATFORMS = (Platform(s) to which usage is restricted.)
COUNT = (Number of network licenses that can be issued simultaneously.)
TOKEN_DEPENDENCY = (Reference to a real license upon which a token license depends.)
SOFTLIMIT = (Number of "overdraft" licenses.)
HAL_SERVERS = 3 (Enables redundant servers, or High Availability Servers.)
BORROW = (Number of hours a borrowed license may be used.)
GRACE = (Number of hours a grace license may be used.)
HOLD = (Number of minutes licenses are held before being checked in.)
USERBASED = (Number of licenses reserved for named users.)
HOSTBASED = (Number of licenses reserved for named hosts.)
TIME_ZONES = -12 to 13 (Allowed time zones, relative to GTM.)
SHARE = HOST|USER|CUSTOM|VIRTUAL|CLOUD (network licenses) or VIRTUAL|CLOUD|TERMINALSERVER|SINGLE (local licenses) (Type of license sharing in use.)
SYSTEMCLOCKCHECK = TRUE|FALSE (Enables/disables the system clock check.)
HOSTID_MATCH_RATE = (Percentage of hostids that must match for successful hostid verification.)
VERSION = 0.0 to 9999.9999 (Version number of the feature.)
LICENSEE = "string" (User or company to whom the license was issued.)
START = YYYY-MM-DD (Date on which the feature becomes valid.)
END = YYYY-MM-DD (Date on which the feature expires.)
MAINTENANCE_START = YYYY-MM-DD (Date the license maintenance plan begins.)
MAINTENANCE_END = YYYY-MM-DD (Date the license maintenance plan expires.)
ISSUED = YYYY-MM-DD (Date on which the license was created.)
SN = "string" (Custom serial number for the license.)
DATA = "string" (Additional information regarding the license.)
COMMENT = "string" (Additional information regarding the license.)
OPTIONS = "string" (Additional licensing options for the license.)
COUNT = 1 to 2147483647 or UNLIMITED (Number of network licenses that can be issued simultaneously)
PLATFORMS = "platform strings" (Platform(s) to which usage is restricted.)
TOKEN_DEPENDENCY = "FEATURE=FeatureName VERSION=0.0 to 9999.9999 COUNT=1 to 2147483647"
KEYTYPE = EXCLUSIVE or ADDITIVE or UPGRADE or TOKEN (Reference to a real license upon which a token license depends.)
SOFTLIMIT = 5 (Number of "overdraft" licenses.)
HAL_SERVERS = 3 (Enables redundant servers, or High Availability Servers.)
BORROW = 1 to 8760 (Number of hours a borrowed license may be used.)
GRACE = 1 to 168 (Number of hours a grace license may be used.)
HOLD = 1 to 1440 (Number of minutes licenses are held before being checked in.)
USERBASED = 1 to 2147483647 or ALL (Number of licenses reserved for named users.)
HOSTBASED = 1 to 2147483647 or ALL (Number of licenses reserved for named hosts.)
TIME_ZONES = -12 to 13 (Allowed time zones, relative to GTM.)
SHARE = HOST|USER|CUSTOM or TERMINALSERVER and/or VIRTUAL (Type of license sharing in use.)
SYSTEMCLOCKCHECK = TRUE|FALSE (Enables/disables the system clock check.)
HOSTID_MATCH_RATE = 0 to 100 (Percentage of hostids that must match for successful hostid verification.)

Note: If there are multiple license files that contain the same feature (for example, a license file that contains "feature f1 version 1.0" and another license file that contains "feature f1 version 1.5"), LM-X will only use the first license file that is read. Any other license files that contain the same feature will be ignored. If this occurs, you will see a warning message in the license server log that informs you which license files contain the same feature.

In such cases, you should delete the license files that are not needed or remove the license file from the search path  so the unneeded license files are not read.