The information on this page refers to SOAP version 2. This function does not exist in SOAP version 1.

The LAC_SendActivationKeysByEmail function is used to send an email containing activation keys associated with the given email address. This function requires a valid email address.


LAC_STATUS LAC_SendActivationKeysByEmail
    const char *szEmail,
    const char *szUrl,
    const char *szProxyHostname,
    int nProxyPort,
    const char *szProxyUsername,
    const char *szProxyPassword,
    char *szResult



[in] Valid email address.


[in] SOAP API endpoint URL. This value should be set to


[in] An optional client-side proxy host to be used with a request. This value should be NULL if not relevant.

Note: This function will attempt to contact LAC directly if no proxy is specified, so if you have a firewall or router that redirects traffic, ensure your configuration handles this correctly.


[in] An optional client-side proxy port number to be used with a request. This value should be 0 if not relevant.


[in] An optional client-side proxy username to be used with a request. This value should be NULL if not relevant.


[in] An optional client-side proxy password to be used with a request. This value should be NULL if not relevant.


[out] Pointer to a string that will hold the license or error message. The string length can be up to LAC_MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH.

Return Values

On success, this function returns the status code LAC_SUCCESS.

On failure, this function returns an error code in the format described in SOAP API return codes.

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