The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.22 and newer. The Data Deletion section now shows information about the number of users and hosts to be removed. If you are using a version previous to v6.22, see documentation for previous versions. |
To remove old, unneeded data from the License Statistics database, select the Data Management tab from the Administration page. (This page is visible only for License Statistics administrator users.)
Under the Data Deletion section of the Data Management page, select the date from which to remove data. Data from the selected day and prior will be removed from the database. Only data older than the previous calendar year can be removed. You cannot remove data from the current or previous calendar year. For example, if the current date is March 10, 2020, date selection will be limited to January 1, 2019 and older.
After you select the deletion date, the Data Deletion section will show the number of users and hosts that will be removed from the database.
Click Delete to initiate the deletion request (you will be asked to confirm the deletion). The deletion will be scheduled to occur upon restarting License Statistics. However, you may still cancel the deletion at any time prior to restarting License Statistics by clicking Cancel in the message shown under Data Removal in the Database Management tab.
Be sure to plan data removal properly. Depending on the amount of data to be removed and your system's performance, the process may take hours to complete, and no data will be collected during the deletion process.
Do not attempt to stop a data removal process currently in progress. This may result in data corruption.