License Statistics version 6.18.1 includes the fixes detailed below. Most of these improvements were made in response to customer feedback. For more information on how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see Customer-driven development

In addition to learning about the changes in this release, we highly recommend reviewing the License Statistics v6.18 Release Notes if you are upgrading from an older version.


License Statistics v6.18.1 includes the following fixes.

Issue #Description
User Interface
LICSTAT-21862Fixed an issue with misaligned fields on Data Anonymization form
LICSTAT-21860Fixed an issue with borders displaying incorrectly when zoomed
LICSTAT-21859Fixed an issue with populating data in the Feature Session History report on the first day of data collection
LICSTAT-21856Fixed an issue with error messages failing to display for license upload  
LICSTAT-21858Fixed an issue with MySQL server crashing
License Harvesting
LICSTAT-21805Fixed an issue with graceful application closing operation failing to work in cases where there is more than one PID with the same process name



Fixed an issue with graceful closing operation for multi-window application
LICSTAT-21802Fixed an issue with failing to properly identify activity that occurs just before application is closed