The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.24 and newer, which added the ability to specify an email address for a user. If you are using a version older than 6.24, see documentation for previous versions

This page gives details about general usage of user reports, including how to use the General Information area at the top of reports, editing user details, and viewing cloud user information;.  

General user information

All user pages include a General Information area at the top of the page that shows general information about the selected user, including the user's name and other identifying information that has been set for the user, such as the Display Name, Description, and User Directory details.

Editing user details

You can edit the details that help to identify individual users, including display name, email address, and description, as needed. Existing email and description details are initially imported from User Directory. Manually entered details override the User Directory details.

To edit a user's details:

  1. Select the user from the pick list in the General Information area.
  2. Click the edit icon on the top right of the General Information area.

    The Edit User dialog opens.

  3.  Edit the user's details as needed. Note that all entries are optional. 

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

Matching usernames for cloud users

You can also view the number and details for all cloud users (for example, for Autodesk usage monitoring) that match usernames on the host for the selected user. There may be more than a single matching username on both the host side and the cloud side; for example, a single username (e.g., "administrator") can use multiple cloud accounts and a single cloud account can be associated with multiple usernames (e.g., "administrator," "system," and "agent-user-4").

The number of matching users is shown under "Cloud Users" along with a show/hide icon. Click the icon to show/hide the details for the matching users. 

When toggled on, a "Cloud Users" grid appears below the General Information area. For example, the following illustration shows details for one matching cloud user.