License Statistics version 6.24.3 includes the fixes detailed below. Most of these improvements were made in response to customer feedback. For more information on how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see Customer-driven development

In addition to learning about the changes in this release, we highly recommend reviewing the License Statistics v6.18 Release Notes and License Statistics v6.24 Release Notes if you are upgrading from an older version.


Issue #Description
LICSTAT-24270Added automatic migration of embedded MySQL database root user using "caching_sha2_password" authentication plugin


Issue #Description
LICSTAT-24363Fixed an issue with parsing Dassault license server output
LICSTAT-24359Fixed an issue with License Statistics Manager resetting SSL port to default value
LICSTAT-24323Fixed an issue with feature action icons appearing on license server General Information panel

Fixed an issue with the License Statistics Agent failing to connect when using a self-signed CA certificate

If you are affected by this issue, please contact X-Formation Support for assistance

LICSTAT-24088Fixed an issue with reservations that occurred when disabling End User monitoring while Remote monitoring was still enabled