The information on this page refers to License Statistics versions prior to v6.3. This information no longer applies to License Statistics v6.3 and newer.

The License Server Current Usage endpoint delivers license usage metrics specific to the License Server Current Usage, allowing you to monitor all the features for the currently selected license server.

Obtaining information about usage for a single license server or usage for a license server group

You can easily fetch metrics about current usage by sending one of the following HTTP requests.

GET /api/v1/report/license-server/${lsid}/current-usage/${returnType}

GET /api/v1/report/license-server-group/${lsgid}/current-usage/${returnType}

where $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a value that best suits your needs. The possible parameters are described below.

${lsid}YesintegerInternal License Statistics identification of license server to show usage on.
${lsgid}YesintegerInternal License Statistics identification of license server group to show usage on.
${returnType}YesstringStandard format option. See Making an API request for details.
standard report options Novarious

See Making an API request for details.


On success, this report will contain one row for each feature hosted on the license server, or one of the license server groups, that currently has checked out licenses. Each row consists of the following columns.

ColumnFull nameTypeDescriptionVisible by default in export
fidFeature IdintegerInternal License Statistics identification of the feature.
(minus) No
fnsFeature NamestringFeature name.(tick) Yes
fvFeature VersionstringFeature version.(tick) Yes
ftypeFeature TypeenumerationSee feature type descriptions for details.(tick) Yes
fuUsedintegerNumber of used licenses.(tick) Yes
fbrwdBorrowedintegerNumber of borrowed licenses.(tick) Yes
frvdReservedinteger/stringNumber of reserved licenses, or "N/A"  if License Reservations are not supported by the license server.(tick) Yes
ftTotalinteger/stringTotal licenses for a feature or "Unlimited" if an unlimited license.
(tick) Yes
futilUtilizationintegerPercentage of feature utilization.(tick) Yes
fexpFeature ExpiresdateFeature expiration date.(tick) Yes


Last Updatedate and timeTime of last update. For realtime, the time the feature was last seen on the license server.
(tick) Yes


ExpiredbooleanIndicates whether the feature has expired.(minus) No

Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file.

Note: Data returned for a license server group consists of a summary of all features of all license servers in the group, including hidden ones. (See License server groups for more information.)

Example 1

The following example shows a command that downloads data about current usage for license server "7" in XLSX format.

curl -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/license-server/7/current-usage/xlsx"

Example 2

The following example shows a command that obtains information about features with current usage higher than 90% for license server "13."

curl -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/license-server/13/current-usage/json" --data-urlencode 'filters=[{"type":"numeric","comparison":"gt","field":"futil","value":"90"}]'

Example 3

The following example shows a command that downloads data about current usage for license server group "1" in CSV format.

curl -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/license-server-group/1/current-usage/csv"