If you use a different license server than one of those currently supported by License Statistics (see Supported license servers), you can customize License Statistics to run with your specific license server. To run License Statistics with your license server, your parser must write an XML file that License Statistics can read and understand. In this way, virtually any licensing system can communicate with License Statistics' graphing engine.

An example of an XML file that defines a customer parser template can be found in the License Statistics program directory under extra\custom_parser.xml. This sample file gives all the requirements for a custom parser to work with License Statistics.

After you create the custom parser, you must then specify the XML file in the CUSTOM_SERVER setting of the License Statistics configuration file, xflicstat.cfg. You may define multiple custom parser XML files in this section of the configuration file.

You should generate the XML files on a regular, scheduled basis. You can schedule the XML file generation using Windows scheduler for Windows or crontab for Unix. Note that the custom parser is a realtime parser that contains the current state of the license server. When regenerating the XML, replace (do not append to) the previous XML file.