The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.8 and newer, which added the ability to sort grid results by multiple columns. If you are using a version previous to v6.8, see documentation for previous versions.

License Statistics UI pages are intuitive to work with and include many features that help you quickly find and view the information most important to you, including the following features.

Customizing License Statistics pages with different colors, graphics, etc. is currently not supported.


Navigation is done using the left pane of the application window. Click on the arrows to expand/collapse sections and click on items under the sections to switch to that page. The following illustration shows switching to the "Features: Usage History" page.

You can expand and collapse the navigation pane using the expand/collapse arrow at the bottom of the pane.

When the navigation pane is collapsed, icons remain so you can still navigate to desired pages:

Limiting pick list content

When selecting a license server or feature from a list, a filter area at the top of the list lets you narrow the list by typing the name of the server or feature you want to select. As you type, the list will display only the server or feature names that include the text you have entered. For example, you can type "lo" or "host" to more easily find "localhost" in a list of license servers.

Collapsing/expanding areas

The Dashboard, License Server, and Features pages include collapsible areas that let you control how much information is displayed on the page at one time. These areas have a collapse/expand arrow on the right side of the title bar. You can collapse/expand these areas by clicking on the collapse/expand arrow or simply by clicking anywhere on the title bar. (You can also expand/collapse the navigation pane as described above.)

Filtering results in reports

You filter report results using the options in the Settings panel. Options differ per report, but the general usage of these settings is similar, as described below.


Some reports let you aggregate results. Types of aggregation include:

How aggregation is applied in a report

Aggregation enables you to specify detailed levels of the produced results. License usage information can be displayed for a specified entity, letting you juxtapose one set of data with another.

The following diagram shows how License Statistics aggregation options are used by real-world entities in a company.

Date range

Selections for the date range you want to include in a report differ depending on the report. Date range selections may include:

For example, the following illustration shows that the current year has been selected for report results:

Grouping by time units

Some reports let you group usage information by:

For example, the following illustration shows selecting to group usage information by the day, giving the most detailed results:


How grouping by a unit of time works in a report

Grouping by a unit of time lets you group values from specified fields together. For example, license usage information can be limited to a month, and within that month displayed based on daily usage. Grouping works in the same way for all other available time units, for any set of selected values.

Let's assume the following values have been returned after grouping feature usage information by Day.

DateHours Used

When we choose to group the above feature usage information by Month and set the start date to April 4, 2014, we obtain the following values:

DateHours Used

When we decide to set the start date to April 1, 2014, we get the following values:

DateHours Used

Showing/hiding data in graphs

There are several controls for limiting data shown in reported statistics graphs to only the information you're currently interested in, as described below.

Using bulk selection toggles

Some graphs, such as in the chart in the Usage History Comparison report, include toggles at the top of the graph that let you specify what to include in the report. For example, you can toggle off visibility of borrowed licenses, total licenses, etc., as applicable to the report.

Controlling graph lines using legend labels

You can click on the labels in the legend at the top of License Statistics graphs to show/hide the data for that label. For example, the illustration below shows graph lines for all the data that is labeled at the top of the chart:

The following example shows the result of clicking on the "Daily Users" label, which hides its graph line in the chart and grays out the label color. To re-display a hidden graph line, simply click its label again.

Timeline sliders

For some charts, you can show particular portions of the timeline included in the chart by dragging the sliders located below the chart. There are two sliders; one on each end of the slider area. You can move the individual sliders by holding the mouse button directly on the slider, as shown below.

You can also move both sliders at once by holding and dragging between the sliders.

The area between the sliders is like a "window" on the timeline. In the example above, the sliders have been moved to show only the middle part of the chart's timeline.

Usage color coding

Colors used in graphs and charts help you to see immediately the percentage of licenses being used:

For example, the Utilization column's percentages includes color-coding:

Sorting and filtering grid content

You can sort and filter grid content to see only data that is important to you.


When sorting by columns:

Hidden columns

Some grid columns, such as "ID" and "Description," are hidden by default.

ID and Description columns exist for the following:

Refreshing data in grids and charts

You can refresh data at any time by clicking on the Refresh icon at the bottom of grids and charts.

Clicking on the arrow next to the Refresh icon lets you set the automatic refresh interval, which is 1 minute by default.

Viewing and setting User/Host details

You can view or set the display name and description for user/host entries in all grids that include User and Host data.

To view or set the display name or description:

  1. Hover over the User or Host cell that you want to view or set. A User/Host Details popup will appear.

    If displaying LDAP usernames is enabled, and data from LDAP was imported, the LDAP display name (shown in the "Full Name" field under LDAP Details) will be used for the username and the popup will include additional LDAP details, as illustrated below. If LDAP data was imported there is a "Full Name" field visible on the popup window. If the checkbox is selected, then this Full Name will be used on grids, until it's overridden by custom Display name

  2. Type the desired text directly into the User/Host Details table's Display Name and/or Description fields (circled in green in the illustration below).

    The Display Name you enter will override the default username/hostname and (if applicable) the LDAP username displayed in the grid.

Persistent page settings per user

Throughout License Statistics pages, some user settings persist. As you move from tab to tab and when you close and reopen License Statistics, the settings you make will remain. For example, if you collapse the "Select License Server and Feature," "Advanced Filtering," and "General Information" panels in one tab of the Features pagethese panels will still be collapsed in other tabs and the next time you log into License Statistics.

For more information, see User preferences.