The Denials endpoint delivers license usage metrics specific to Denials, allowing you to see exactly how many license checkout requests were denied and how often the denials took place.

Obtaining information about checkout denials

You can easily list denials for given feature that took place by sending the following HTTP request.

GET /api/v1/report/feature/${featureId}/denials/${returnType}?sd=${YYYY-MM-DD}&ed=${YYYY-MM-DD}&(additional parameters, as needed) 

where $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a value that best suits your needs. The possible parameters are described below.


Internal License Statistics identification of the feature for which you want to view denied requests.

${returnType}YesstringStandard format option. See Making an API request for details.
sdYesdateStart date for which you want to generate the report.


dateEnd date for which you want to generate the report. The date is inclusive, meaning that all data from a particular day will be included in the report.
standard report options Novarious

See Making an API request for details.


On successreport will contain one row for each denial, from the given date range. Each row consists of the following columns.

Full nameTypeDescriptionVisible by default in export



date and time

Time when the denial took place.





Number of denied licenses.





Name of the denied user.





Host from which the denied user tried to check out the license.


Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file.

Example 1

The following example shows a command that lets you obtain information about denials for feature "3" over a specified time period.

curl --data "sd=2015-01-01" --data "ed=2015-01-02" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/json"

Example 2

The following example shows a command that lets you obtain information about all denials for feature "3" over a specified time period, with data ordered by username.

curl --data "orderBy=un" --data "orderDirection=ASC" --data "sd=2015-01-01" --data "ed=2015-01-02" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/json"

Example 3

The following example shows a command that lets you view the first 100 denials for feature "3" over a specified time period.

curl --data "limit=100" --data "offset=0" --data "sd=2015-01-01" --data "ed=2015-01-02" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/json"

You can also put parameters directly into the URL. For the above example, the command would be similar to the following.

curl -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/json?limit=100&offset=0&sd=2014-12-01&ed=2015-01-02"

Obtaining information about grouped checkout denials

You can easily list the cumulative number of denials for a given feature per fixed time period by sending the following HTTP request.

GET /api/v1/report/feature/${featureId}/denials/grouped/${returnType}?sd=${startDate}&ed=${endDate}&grat=${granularity}&(additional parameters, as needed) 

where $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a value that best suits your needs. The possible parameters are described below.


Internal License Statistics identification of the feature for which you want to view grouped checkout denials.

${returnType}YesstringStandard format option. See Making an API request for details.
sdYesdateStart date from which you want to generate the report.


dateEnd date from which you want to generate the report. The date is inclusive, meaning that all data from a particular day will be included in the report.

Period type the result is aggregated for. See granularity descriptions for further details

standard report options Novarious

See Making an API request for details.


On success, this report will contain one row for each period (e.g., each day or week) from the specified date range. Each row consists of the following columns.

ColumnFull nameTypeDescriptionVisible by default in export




The time period. Format depends on granularity.





Cumulative number of denials licenses in the time period for the feature.


Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file.

Example 1

The following example shows a command that obtains information about denials for feature "3" grouped by month.

curl --data "sd=2015-01-01" --data "ed=2015-01-02" --data "grat=3" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/grouped/json"

Example 2

The following example shows a command that lets you see all denials grouped by quarter for feature "3" ordered by the total denial count from highest to lowest.

curl --data "orderBy=ldtc" --data "orderDirection=DESC" --data "sd=2014-01-01" --data "ed=2015-01-01" --data "grat=2" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/grouped/json"

Example 3

The following example shows a command that lets you view the first 100 denials for feature "3" over a specific time period, grouped by hour. 

curl --data "limit=100" --data "offset=0" --data "sd=2013-01-01" --data "ed=2015-01-02" --data "grat=6" -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/grouped/json"

You can also put parameters directly into the URL. For the above example, the command would look like the following:

curl -H "X-Auth-token: token" "http://yourdomain/api/v1/report/feature/3/denials/grouped/json?limit=5&offset=2&sd=2013-01-01&ed=2015-01-02&grat=6"