The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.2 and newer, which introduced User reports. This feature is available only with the new licensing model.

To see a report on denials for a specific user/user group, select the Current Usage page under the Users section in the left navigation pane. Denials occur when the number of checkout requests exceeds the number of available licenses, resulting in an inability for users to check out a license. You can add the User Denials grid to the License Statistics Dashboard. Learn more about customizing the Dashboard. 

General Information

The General Information area lets you select the user/user group for which to view denials.

Filtering results

The Time Interval options in the Settings area let you specify the time interval to include in the results. The time interval can be:

User Denials grid

The User Denials grid includes information about the selected user/user group's license denials, including the time the denial(s) took place, the license server, feature information, and host that the denials occurred for, and the number of licenses that were denied (which may be more than 1 in cases such as token licenses).