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The information on this page refers to License Statistics v4.0 or newer, which added the command-line report download utility. Previous versions of License Statistics do not include this utility.

The syntax for downloading a Usage Per User report using licstatreport is as follows. (Also see Syntax for common parameters.) Words in italics indicate variables.(Information in the following table is TBD.)         .  

-servername name

Specify the name of the license server for which the report will be generated.

-vendorname name

Specify the name of the vendor for which the report will be generated.

-licmanagertype type

Specify the type of license manager for which the report wil be generated. Supported types are LM-X, FlexNet, Sentinel RMS, IBM LUM, Custom, HASP, RLM, BETA LM, RSoft, LICMAN, LS-Dyna, Dassault, GNS, and MathLM, and Felics.

Wiki Markup
feature name] -user username

Specify the name of the user feature for which the report will be generated. If a feature is not specified, data for all features for the specified server will be downloaded.

-datefrom date

Specify the start date for which the report will be generated in YYYY-MM-DD format; for example, 2011-02-28.

-dateto date

Specify the end date for which the report will be generated in YYYY-MM-DD format; for example, 2011-02-28.

Wiki Markup

Specify the type of aggregation to use for the report. Available options are:

  • Username
  • Hostname
  • Username and hostname
  • Usergroup
  • Hostgroup
    If the aggregation type is not specified, the report will be aggregated by Username.

Wiki Markup

Specify the name of the usergroup for which the report will be generated. If the usergroup is not specified, no usergroup will be used.

Wiki Markup

Specify the name of the hostgroup for which the report will be generated. If the hostgroup is not specified, no hostgroup will be used.