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License Statistics considers a "user" to be a unique person or a machine that is accessing the monitored applications.  The User count is determined as follows:

  • The default method of determining user count is


  • based on


  • a) the number of users and b) the number of hosts (machines) the users are running applications from; that is, a unique


  • username/hostname combination


  • . For example, if the user "root" checks out licenses on 100 different hosts, all 100 checkouts will be counted as unique in the Realtime Users Count report (see below).
  • An alternative licensing method, available at an additional charge, uses only a unique username and ignores the hostname. Therefore, for the example above, if the user "root" checks out licenses on 100 different hosts, only one user will be counted in the Realtime Users Count report.

Realtime usage

You can see a realtime user count in the Realtime Users Count report, which lists concurrent hosts and daily users on all realtime servers for every day usage is monitored. From this report, you can access a 14-day history of all usernames and hostnames that used monitored licenses for any given date. For example, if you view the 14-day user history for 2015/03/31, you will see the usage details for 2015/03/16 through 2015/03/31. The number of rows in the 14-day history can be used to determine your needs for License Statistics licensing.

Importing of denial logs is licensed under Realtime licensing. All users are counted, regardless of denial date; however, denials will not be counted toward the license limit. Other imported usage is licensed separately, and tracked as detailed below.
