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From the top of this page, select the license server and feature for which you want to view the user history.

Filtering results

You can filter results by users that had a license checked out at a specified date and time using the Advanced Filtering area.

If you select only a date (not a time), the statistics report includes the entire day's activity for the feature, including any overlapping usage. For example, if a user checked out a license on 2010-09-01 at 22:00 and returned it on 2010-09-02 at 02:00, that user will be included in the reports for both days.

General Information

The General Information area includes identifying information for the feature usage, including the license server, feature, vendor and last update time. You can edit the feature details by clicking the Edit icon on the right end of the General Information title bar.

User History grid

The User History grid shows the username, hostname and start and end times the feature was used. If the user still has the feature checked out, the End Time will state "Still in use."