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The information on this page refers to License Statistics




and newer, which

now includes an option

added Agent Groups to Realtime License Server settings for Autodesk license manager; added an Action toggle to enable/disable license

server monitoring; supports specifying an XML file for Custom license managers; supports the Reader Timeout setting for Linux; no longer accommodates more than one name for the Sentinel RMS query tool; and made minor changes to the form for adding/editing license servers. If you are running an older version of License Statistics

servers; and removed "copy URL to clipboard" from the Action column. If you are using a version previous to v6.9, see documentation for previous versions.

You can add realtime license servers and edit information for existing realtime license servers using the Realtime License Servers tab page, found under the Administration section in the Administration pageleft navigation pane. (This page is visible only for License Statistics administrator users.) Note: This page also lets you add and edit imported license servers.

Realtime License Servers grid

The Realtime License Servers grid in the License Servers page lists information for all each currently configured license servers in the Realtime License Servers gridrealtime license server, including:

Column NameDescription
License Server
The display name for the license server.
License Server IDThe ID of the License Server. 
License Server DescriptionThe optional user-defined description for the license server. 
HostnameThe hostname of the license server. If the license server is configured to be redundant (three servers are used) this is the hostname of the main license server. 
PortThe port to use for the license server. If the license server is configured to be redundant (three servers are used) this is the port for the main license server. 
Lic ManagerThe license manager type (can be any supported license manager or a custom license manager).
StatusThe status of the license server.  For detailed information about license server status, see License Servers.

Indicates (Yes/No) whether monitoring is enabled for the license server.

The Action column includes a toggle that allows you to enable/disable the license server as needed.

Image Added

RedundantAn icon showing one computer indicates that the license server is not redundant. An icon showing three computers indicates the license server is redundant.
Realtime DenialsIndicates (Yes/No) whether monitoring Realtime Denials is enabled for the license server.
Feature VersioningIndicates (Yes/No) whether Feature Versioning is enabled for the license server.
Anonymous UsernamesIndicates (Yes/No) whether use of anonymous usernames is enabled for the license server.
Anonymous Hostnames Indicates (Yes/No) whether use of anonymous hostnames is enabled for the license server.
Query IntervalSets the time interval (in minutes) between queries.


Some columns, as noted above, are hidden by default. To control the visibility of these and other columns, see instructions for filtering grid content. 

Adding or editing a realtime license server

License Statistics lets you add realtime license servers with the same hostname, port, and other settings multiple times, which may be useful when you want to experiment with using different features, like Realtime Denials, Feature Versioning, etc. You should note, however, that the name you give to the license server must be unique; i.e., different than other names already assigned to existing servers.

To add or edit a realtime license server:

  1. To edit an existing license server, click the edit Edit icon in the Action column of the Realtime License Servers grid row for the license server you want to change. An Edit License Server dialog opens to allow you to change the existing settings for that license server.


    To add a new license server, click
    the Add New button at the bottom of the Realtime License Servers grid.
    An Add New License Server dialog opens to allow you to configure the new license server.

  2. Complete the information in the Add New/Edit License Server dialog's General License Server tab as described in the table below.below in "Realtime License Server settings."

  3. If you are ready to verify the license server configuration, click VerifyAfter you enter all the information for the license server in the General tab, you can click Verify to ensure that you can connect to the license server. Verification may take a long time depending on the license manager’s response time. (Setting the query interval in the Additional Options tab to 1 minute may make verification faster.) The results , and the status will show that the server is being verified. You cannot perform any other operations for setting up the license server until verification is complete. The verification results will include the status (success or failure), the reason for the failure if verification failed, and the query tool output. You can save the output to a file if desired.


    If you want to verify the license server at a later time, you can save the license server configuration (see step 6 below) without verifying it, and then edit the license server at a later time to complete the verification process. However, you won't be able to monitor the license server and you cannot access the Aliases or Merge tabs until the license server has been verified and License Statistics is able to gather data from the license server.

  4. To continue assign or edit server aliases, go to the Aliases tab.

  5. To merge license server data, go to the Merge tab Additional Options tab, click Next. Complete the information in the Additional Options tab as described in the table below. 

  6. After completing all settings as needed, click Save or Save and Close to save the license server. You can click Cancel Close at any time if you do not wish to save your changes.

Realtime License Server settings

The Realtime License Server settings are described below. Note that only the settings that are valid for the selected License Manager Type will be visible. For example, if you select a License Manager Type other than FlexNet, RLM or OLicense, the "Vendor Daemon Name" setting will not display.General tab settings

General settings
Name The name for the license server that will be displayed in License Statistics. This can be any descriptive, unique name that helps you identify the license server in License Statistics pages.

Check this box to enable monitoring for the license server. When this box is not checked, monitoring for the license server is disabled. The license server will appear in License Statistics pages as "Down."

Only enabled license servers are counted in the number of license servers you can monitor according to your License Statistics license agreement. You can add any number of disabled license servers. If you have reached your limit of license servers you can monitor, you can disable any license servers that you do not need to monitor and enable the license servers you do need to monitor.

License Manager Type

The type of license manager you are using for the license server. This selection list includes all supported license managers. 

If you select Custom as the license manager type, you must specify the path to your custom XML file (see Supporting a custom license server for information on adding a custom license server) in the Hostname field under Connection settings.

Query Tool Path

The path to the license manager's query tool defaults to license_statistics_installation_directory/query_tool_default_name, where the query tool default name is specific to the license manager being used, as follows:

License managerQuery tool default name
  • LM-X: lmxendutil
  • LS-Dyna
    : monitorlm 

    Sentinel RMS

    Edit the path if needed, and make sure the query tool is in the specified path. 

    Important: The query tool executable (and the path provided in the License Statistics UI) must be local. If you edit the path, ensure that the query tool executable is located on the same machine as the License Statistics installation.  

    Query Tool Path is not applicable when using the Custom, JetBrains, License4J, and oXygen license manager types.

    EPLAN BundleFor the EPLAN LM license manager type, bundles are supported. See EPLAN Bundles for more information. 
    Vendor daemon name The vendor daemon name for
    DescriptionAn optional description for the license server. The Description can be entered/edited only after the license server
    . This entry cannot contain spaces or special characters, except underscores, hyphens and periods.
    has been validated.
    Connection settings


    Check this box to specify that redundant servers are being used (for example, in LM-X you would check Redundant if you are using HAL). When Redundant is checked, you must enter the hostname and port number for all three servers.

    The Redundant setting is applicable only for LM-X, FlexNet, BetaLM, Dassault, IBM LUM and GNS

    Applicable only for FlexNet and RLM

    license manager types.


    The license server hostname. This entry cannot contain spaces or special characters, except underscores, hyphens and periods.

    Hostname is not applicable when using the LICMAN license manager type.

    When using the Custom license manager type, you must specify the path to your custom XML file in this field.

    Port Number

    The license server port number, which may have a default setting depending on the license manager selected, as follows.

    License serverPort number

    The Port Number setting is not applicable when using the IBM LUM, LICMAN, Sentinel RMS, MathLM, and Custom license manager types.


    Check this box to specify that redundant servers are being used (for example, in LM-X you would check Redundant if you are using HAL). When Redundant is checked, you must enter the hostname and port number for all three servers.

    Applicable only for LM-X, FlexNet, BetaLM, IBM LUM and GNS license manager types.


    Additional Options tab settings


    The username to access protected resources.

    This setting is applicable only for JetBrains and oXygen license manager types.


    The password to access protected resources..

    This setting is applicable only for Dassault, JetBrains and oXygen license manager types.

    Agents settings
    Agent Groups

    Agent Group(s) that will be used to automatically monitor Autodesk applications on their hosts.

    This setting is applicable only for Autodesk license manager type.

    Vendor settings
    Vendor Daemon Name

    An optional vendor daemon name for the license server. This entry cannot contain spaces or special characters, except underscores, hyphens and periods. 

    Applicable only for FlexNet, RLM, and OLicense license manager types.  

    FlexNet license servers are configured with case-sensitive names by default, so make sure the vendor name uses the correct case when configuring a FlexNet license server. An error in the vendor name may cause problems with License Statistics usage monitoring. See "Failure to find licenses for FlexNet license server" in FLEXlm and FlexNet license server issues for more information.

    Vendor Display Name
    An optional name to display for the vendor in reports. The Vendor Display Name can be entered/edited only after the license server has been validated.
    Vendor NameThe vendor name.
    Additional settings

    Changes the encoding used by License Statistics when analyzing data from a license server.

    By default, this is set to UTF-8. For a list of supported encodings, see:

    Query Interval

    Time in minutes between each license server query.

    Choose between 1, 2, 5 (default) and 10 minutes. 

    Anonymous Usernames/ Hostnames

    Make users and/or hosts anonymous in the

    SettingDescriptionQuery IntervalLicense Statistics data update interval in minutes. You can select 1, 2, 5, or 10 minutes as the update interval. The 1-minute interval should be used only for testing purposes.
    Reader TimeoutTimeout setting for reader in seconds. Leave this box unchecked to indicate that there is no timeout.Anonymous Usernames/Anonymous HostnamesMake users and hosts anonymous in

    database and HTML output (normally used to protect users for legal reasons, as is required in some countries).

    Possible server status definitions


    Server StatusDefinitionUpThe current license server configuration is correct and the license server can be monitored successfully.DownThe current license server configuration is incorrect, or the server cannot be monitored successfully because of parsing failures.DisabledThe server has been added as a "Disabled" by selecting the "Disable" checkbox, or the server cannot be enabled by selecting the "Enable" checkbox because of license limits such as license expiration. This status may also suggest that the attempts to enable the server failed, or that there are problems with reading the configuration file for this license server when starting License Statistics.VeryfingThe license server is under verification after being edited or added.

    Note that you can set this additional option only when adding a license server


    ; you cannot edit this option after adding the server.

    Realtime Denials

    Enable monitoring denials data in real time. This option works only with the following license servers:

    • LM-X License Manager
    • Dassault
    • Altair License Manager (ALM)
    Feature Versioning

    Enable Feature Versioning for the supported license server types. Currently this option works with the following license servers:

    • LM-X License Manager
    • IBM LUM
    • FlexNet
    • Reprise License Manager (RLM)
    • Sentinel RMS
    • License4J
    • TLM