Versions Compared


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If you have any problems installing or running License Statistics, review the log file, described in License Statistics log file, to investigate the cause of the problem.

Troubleshooting for specific issues is covered in the following sections.

Inability to query license server

If License Statistics cannot query the license server, the log will contain an error message such as the following:

  • License server is down or not responding
  • Problem occurred while running query_tool_name utility for license_server

If you see either of these errors, you should check for communication problems between the license server and License Statistics using the appropriate query tool for the license server (for example, lmxendutil for LM-X License Manager).

To do this, navigate from a command line to the directory that contains the query tool and follow the instructions below, depending on which license server you are checking. If there are errors in the communication between the license server and License Statistics, you will receive information about the errors. Otherwise, you will see normal statistics information for the indicated license server.


For an LM-X license server, type the command:

lmxendutil -licstatxml [-host host -port port]

where host and port are the host and port appropriate for your license server. The host and port designations are optional. If the host information is omitted, the local host is used; if the port information is omitted, the default port is used.


For a FLEXlm/FlexNet license server, type the command:

lmutil lmstat -a -c [port]@host [-S vendor]
lmutil lmdiag -n -c [port]@host

where port and host are the port and host appropriate for your license server, and vendor is the vendor daemon's name (this name is case-sensitive by FlexNet's default license server configuration). The port designation is optional; if it is omitted, the default port is used. Specifying the vendor is also optional.  


For an RLM license server, type the command:

rlmutil rlmstat -a -c [port]@host  

where port and host are the port and host appropriate for your license server. The port designation is optional; if it is omitted, the default port is used.

Sentinel LM/RMS

For a Sentinel LM/RMS license server, type the command:

lsmon [host]  

where host is the host appropriate for your license server. The host designation is optional; if it is omitted, the local host is used.


For an IBM LUM license server, type the command:

i4blt -s -lc -k -n host
i4blt -s -lco -k -n host
i4blt -ll -k -n host

where host is the host appropriate for your license server.


For a Dassault license server, you can get license or user information by following the procedures below.

To get license information: 


To get information about users who are using licenses:


Realtime usage error

If a monitored license server is hosted on a different machine than License Statistics is installed on, the license server's response to License Statistics' query about its status may be delayed. In such cases, a warning such as the following occurs for each query that was delayed. 

[2012/05/10 08:00:00] WARNING: Capturing realtime usage for license server hostname was delayed xx seconds. This delay may cause loss of statistics! 

To resolve this problem, verify that the license server is responding properly as described above in "Inability to query license server."

Maximum user count exceeded

The terms of your License Statistics license agreement include limits on the maximum unique users that can be monitored and the number of denied users that will be counted. (See Determining usage for License Statistics licensing for more information on how License Statistics counts users.)


Failure to import log file

When using License Statistics to import data, partial/rotated logs are not supported; if associated checkins/checkouts are not contained in the same log file, the data import may fail. In such cases, you will see an error message such as: "Cannot import log file. Checkin at line 177 references a checkout from an earlier log file. Merge the log files and try again." (Where line 177 is the line that contains the checkin that has no associated checkout contained in the same log file.)

You can try to merge the partial log files into one log file that contains complete checkin/checkout information, as described below.

For Windows, type the following from a command line:

type file1 file2... filen > output.txt

For Linux, type the following in a console:

cat file1 file2... filen > output.txt

where file1 file2... filen are the names of any number of files to be merged and output.txt is the name of the file that will result from the merge.

Merging CodeCollaborator log files

CodeCollabolator rotates log files when the file reaches 10 MB. Merging the rotated log files will generate more accurate data than a "license.log" file. 

To merge the log files for Windows, type the following from a command line:

type collab.log.n ... collab.log.1 collab.log >> import.log

To merge the log files for Linux, type the following in a console:

cat collab.log.n ... collab.log.1 collab.log >> import.log

Failure to find licenses for FlexNet license server

FlexNet vendor names are case-sensitive by default, so you may see the following error if the case is not correctly configured: 

[2012/05/10 08:00:00] ERROR: Unable to find any licenses served by the license server! 

Check that the vendor name entry in the xflicstat.cfg configuration file for that license server is specified in the correct case. You can verify the correctness of the configuration by querying the status of the server manually: 

lmutil.exe lmstat -a -c hostname -S VendorName 

Failure to gather data for FlexNet license server hosting multiple vendors   

If monitoring realtime data on a FlexNet license server fails with the error "This server hosts licenses from multiple vendors," the FlexNet server is not configured correctly in License Statistics.  

FlexNet license servers have hosted vendor daemons for each vendor. If all parameters provided to lmutil are correct, the output will include only the license usage for the specified vendor. If the output contains data for vendors other than the specified vendor, one or more lmutil arguments are incorrect. The most common incorrect argument is the port number. The same port cannot be provided for all vendors on one machine. The port used by the specific vendor daemon is configured in the license server's configuration or license. If the port is not set explicitly, the license server can select it automatically from free ports. 

To configure the FlexNet server correctly for multiple vendor daemons, specify each as a separate license server in the FLEXNET_SERVER setting in the License Statistics configuration file. For example, if you want to monitor vendor daemons "vendor1" and "vendor2" on "server1" you must use a FLEXNET_SERVER setting for each of them, as follows:

FLEXNET_SERVER = vendor1@port@server1

FLEXNET_SERVER = vendor2@port@server1

Or, for HAL (redundant) servers: 

FLEXNET_SERVER = vendor1@port@server1 vendor1@port@server2 vendor1@port@server3  

FLEXNET_SERVER = vendor2@port@server1 vendor2@port@server2 vendor2@port@server3  

Unidentifiable usernames in lmutil output 

License Statistics identifies and displays usernames using data provided by the license server using a query tool (normally lmutil). If the license server does not provide valid usernames, License Statistics cannot use the data to display the username in the log or the web-based UI.

For example, if the lmutil output for CITRIX does not contain valid usernames for specific checkouts, it will use the syntax "string1 (string2)", where string1 is the value of the string stored in place of an actual username and string2 is an additional string to help distinguish users. This data is not recognizable by License Statistics.

Inaccurate statistics for HASP license server

HASP server logs often do not contain all the information necessary to obtain accurate statistics. If you notice problems with the data imported from the HASP server logfile, you can see some improvement by configuring the HASP server to run with OPEN_SESSIONS (see configuration below). However, this still does not ensure 100% accuracy, because the HASP logs may still lack some usage data even with this value set. 

License Statistics can handle HASP logs with or without the OPEN_SESSIONS value set. However, a single HASP server logfile cannot both include and exclude the OPEN_SESSIONS value, so you must import logfiles that include the OPEN_SESSIONS value separately from logfiles that do not include this value.

HASP server log configuration syntax

If the log configuration is not correct, you may see a message similar to the following in the License Statistics log, even though the HASP log contained denial data: "NOTICE: File.log has been imported successfully, but was empty (no denials found)." You should verify the configuration of the HASP server log if parsing fails. The HASP log configuration must be one of the following. Other formats are not currently supported. 

To run with OPEN_SESSIONS: 

No Format
{timestamp} {clientaddr}:{clientport} {clientid} {method} {url} {function}({functionparams}) open_sessions({sessioncount}) {newline}

To run without OPEN_SESSIONS:

No Format
{timestamp} {clientaddr}:{clientport} {clientid} {method} {url} {function}({functionparams}) {newline}

Apache errors

If there are problems with an Apache web server, you may see one or more of the following errors in the License Statistics log file:

[2012-04-01 08:0:00] FAIL: Unable to start apache web server! 

[2012-04-01 08:00:00] FAIL: Apache manager error: Unable to connect to licstat:8080 web server! 

[2012-04-01 08:00:00] FAIL: Apache is not responding to HTTP requests! 

You can investigate the cause of these errors using the following steps.


please review the troubleshooting information for the issue you're experiencing

LDAP issues

License server issues

Combining realtime and denials data under a single server

License issues

Log file issues

MySQL issues

Timezone issues

Query tool executable error


Embedded MySQL server troubleshooting 

During the License Statistics evaluation, you may have License Statistics temporarily running on a machine that does not meet the minimum system requirements. In such cases where there is not enough memory on the machine hosting the License Statistics installation, the MySQL server may not start properly the first time you start License Statistics, which will produce warnings similar to the following in the xflicstat.log file:

[2012-12-12 08:00:01] WARNING: Waiting for mysqld process to start which takes more time than usual... 

You can check whether insufficient memory is the problem by looking at the MySQL server log file, which can be found in one of the following directories: 

..\License Statistics\log\mysql.log 
..\License Statistics\mysql_x86\data{color}hostname.err (for 32-bit database) 
..\License Statistics\mysql_x64\data{color}hostname.err (for 64-bit database) 

where hostname is the hostname of the machine where License Statistics is installed. 

If you see messages similar to the following in the MySQL server log, there is an issue with the host memory:

120503 15:27:16 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 1.5G 
InnoDB: VirtualAlloc(1631846400 bytes) failed; Windows error 8 

To resolve this issue, you can try lowering the memory requirement in the config.ini file by changing the innodb_buffer_pool_size setting to the desired value; for example, to 1024M or as low as 512M, depending on available resources.

This setting may be changed only for testing purposes (for example, during evaluation). The proper solution is to install License Statistics on a machine that meets system requirements. Note that lowering the innodb_buffer_pool_size setting may decrease the performance of License Statistics, causing it to run slower.

Duplicated license server entries after migrating to License Statistics v4.6.1 database

When updating to License Statistics v4.6.1, the database migration normally updates all details for license servers. However, if you see duplicated entries on the Dashboard for a license server after upgrading to v4.6.1, there was a problem migrating the license server to the v4.6.1 database. In this case, you will see the following warning message in the error log:

2012-01-30 08:00:00 Database update (version 52): Unable to migrate details of hostname license server (type license_server_type)! You may need to merge this license server manually by editing the existing license server in the License Servers page.

To resolve this problem, edit the original license server in License Statistics and merge it with the duplicated license server as described in "Merging server data" in Combining duplicate license servers under a single server.

Duplicated license server entries due to a bug in previous License Statistics version

A bug introduced in an older version of License Statistics can result in the database index being prematurely exhausted if License Statistics is restarted too often. In such cases, you will see one or both of the following MySQL errors in the License Statistics log:

ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1 in file: 'D:\X-Formation\License Statistics\mysql_x86\sql_query_35070.sql': Duplicate entry '65535' for key 'PRIMARY'!
[2013-03-31 01:40:03] WARNING: Unable to save concurrent hosts count to database!

FAIL: Unable to clear required tables!
MySQL error: ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 5 in file: 'D:\X-Formation\License Statistics\mysql_x86\sql_query_16.sql': Duplicate entry '65535' for key 'PRIMARY'

To resolve this problem, compact the indexes of the affected table by running the SQL commands detailed in the following steps.


After performing these steps, the duplicate entry issues should be resolved.

Problem with Flash

When running the License Statistics web-based UI, Flash may endlessly reload when attempting to display the License Statistics charts. This indicates a problem with your License Statistics configuration. You can use one of the following methods to fix this problem.

Option 1
  1. Open the License Statistics configuration file, xflicstat.cfg.
  2. Comment out the HTTP_BASE_URL line, which will then cause License Statistics to use the hostname of the machine where License Statistics is installed instead of using a specific URL. All other computers in the local network will use this hostname to access License Statistics.
Option 2
  1. Open the License Statistics configuration file, xflicstat.cfg.
  2. Specify the URL in the HTTP_BASE_URL line. Each computer in the local network must use this URL, and you must also set this URL in DNS or the charts that use Flash will not work.
Option 3


Reporting a Bug in License Statistics