Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This page refers to functionality that has been removed from License Statistics. This information no longer applies to License Statistics v6.3 and newer.

Obtaining information about usage history

You can easily fetch metrics about usage history by sending one of the the following HTTP requests


Usage History for Feature

If you want to obtain information about usage history for single feature, you have to use following URL request template.

Code Block
titleUsage history for a single feature
GET /api/v1/report/usage-history/feature/${featureId}/usage-history/${returnType}?sd=${startDateYYYY-MM-DD}&ed=${endDateYYYY-MM-DD}&granularity=${granularity}$(additional parameters, as needed)


 - $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with an appropriate value, as needed

 - the possible parameters are as follows:


You can obtain feature information here


Specifies granularity of the returned data; Can be one of the following:

  • quarter - 2
  • month - 3
  • week - 4
  • day - 5
  • hour - 6


Applies filtering license usage data on all fields.

To filter by string column, use the following format: 

Code Block
		"type": "string",
		"field": "lud",
		"value": "${value}"

To filter by numeric column, use the following format:

Code Block
		"type": "numeric", 
		"comparison": "${gt | lt | eq}", 
		"field": "${lumin | lua | lumax | lbmin | lbmax | ldtc | hu | ft}",
		"value": "${value}" 


Specifies field visibility settings, for example:

Code Block
	"lud": "1", 
	"lumin": "1", 
	"lua": "1", 
	"lumax": "1", 
	"lbmin": "1", 
	"lbmax": "1", 
	"ldtc": "1", 
	"hu": "1", 
	"ft": "1"

where number "1" indicates that a specific field is visible, ''0" indicates it is not.

Note that the order of the settings you make is important – when exported, the fields will be visible in exactly the same order you specify here.

Code Block
titleUsage history for a composite feature on license server group
GET /api/v1/report/feature-composite/${fcid}/usage-history/${returnType}?sd=${YYYY-MM-DD}&ed=${YYYY-MM-DD}&granularity=${granularity}$(additional parameters, as needed)


Code Block
titleUsage history comparison for features


Specifies the field by which you want to order your data records. The field name can be one of the following:

lud | lumin | lua | lumax | lbmin | lbmax | ldtc | hu | ft


If your request is successful, you should see a response similar to the following:

Code Block
	"success": ${success},
  	"msg": ${message},
  	"data": [
      		"fid": ${featureId},
      		"lud": ${date},
      		"lumin": ${minUsed},
      		"lua": ${averageUsed},
      		"lumax": ${maxUsed},
      		"lbmin": ${minBorrowed},
      		"lbmax": ${maxBorrowed},
      		"ldtc": ${denials},
      		"hu": ${hoursUsed},
      		"ft": ${total}
  	"code": ${code},
  	"totalCount": ${count}

where the response fields can be explained as follows:





Usage History for Feature Comparison

If you want to obtain information about usage history for feature comparison, you have to use following URL request template.

Code Block
GET /api/v1/report/usage-history/comparison/json?fi=${featureIds}&feature-comparison/${ucompi}/report/${returnType}?sd=${startDateYYYY-MM-DD}&ed=${endDateYYYY-MM-DD}&granularity=${granularity}

The possible parameters are as follows:


Code Block
titleUsage history for a license server
GET /api/v1/report/license-server/${lsid}/usage-history/${returnType}?sd=${YYYY-MM-DD}&ed={YYYY-MM-DD}&granularity=${granularity}$(additional parameters, as needed)

Code Block
titleUsage history for a license server group

Currently this report is returned only in json. There are plans to introduce csv, xls and pdf formats in future.

If your request is successful, you should see a response similar to the following:

Code Block
	"success": ${success},
  	"msg": ${message},
  	"data": [
      		"fid": ${featureId_1},
      		"lud": ${date},
      		"lumin": ${minUsed},
      		"lua": ${averageUsed},
      		"lumax": ${maxUsed},
      		"lbmin": ${minBorrowed},
      		"lbmax": ${maxBorrowed},
      		"ldtc": ${denials},
      		"hu": ${hoursUsed},
      		"ft": ${total}
      		"fid": ${featureId_2},
      		"lud": ${date},
      		"lumin": ${minUsed},
      		"lua": ${averageUsed},
      		"lumax": ${maxUsed},
      		"lbmin": ${minBorrowed},
      		"lbmax": ${maxBorrowed},
      		"ldtc": ${denials},
      		"hu": ${hoursUsed},
      		"ft": ${total}
  	"code": ${code},
  	"totalCount": ${count}

The meaning of all fields are the same as in Usage History For Feature.

Usage History for License Server

If you want to obtain information about usage history for all visible features for given server, you have to use following URL request template.

Code Block
GET /api/v1/report/usage-history/license-server-group/${lsidlsgid}/usage-history/${returnType}?sd=${startDateYYYY-MM-DD}&ed={endDateYYYY-MM-DD}&granularity=${granularity}$(additional parameters, as needed)

where $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a value that best suits your needs. The possible parameters are as follows:described below.

License Server Id
Internal License Statistics identification of the feature to show usage history for.
stringSee Usage History For Feature.
integerInternal License Statistics identification of the feature composite to show usage history for.
stringSee Usage History For Feature.
integerInternal License Statistics identification of feature history comparison.
stringSee Usage History For Feature.
integerInternal License Statistics identification of the license server to show usage history for.
See Usage History For Feature.rnOnly for pdf, xlsstringSee Usage History For Feature.filterNojson/string

Applies filtering license usage data on all fields.

To filter by string column, use the following format: 

Code Block
		"type": "string", 
		"field": "${lud | fns | fv | ftype}",
		"value": "${value}"

To filter by numeric column, use the following format:

Code Block
		"type": "numeric", 
		"field": "${lumin | lua | lumax | lbmin | lbmax | ldtc | hu | ft}",
		"value": "${value}"

Specifies field visibility settings, for example:

Code Block
	"lud": "1", 
	"lumin": "1", 
	"lua": "0", 
	"lumax": "1", 
	"lbmin": "1", 
	"lbmax": "1", 
	"ldtc": "1", 
	"hu": "0", 
	"ft": "0",
	"fns": "1",
	"fv": "1",
	"ftype": "1"


where number "1" indicates that a specific field is visible, ''0" indicates it is not.

Note that the order of the settings you make is important – when exported, the fields will be visible in exactly the same order you specify here.

limitNointegerSee Usage History For Feature.offsetNointegerSee Usage History For Feature.orderByNostring

Specifies the field by which you want to order your data records. The field name can be one of the following: 

lud | fns | fv | ftype | fid | lumin | lua | lumax | lbmin | lbmax | ldtc | hu | ft
orderDirectionNostringSee Usage History For Feature.

If your request is successful, you should see a response similar to the following:

Code Block
	"success": ${success},
	"msg": ${message},
  	"data": [
      		"fid": ${featureId_1},
      		"lud": ${date},
      		"lumin": ${minUsed},
      		"lua": ${averageUsed},
      		"lumax": ${maxUsed},
      		"lbmin": ${minBorrowed},
      		"lbmax": ${maxBorrowed},
      		"ldtc": ${denials},
      		"hu": ${hoursUsed},
      		"ft": ${total},
			"fns": ${featureName},
			"ftype": ${featureType},
			"fv": ${featureVersion}
      		"fid": ${featureId_1},
      		"lud": ${date},
      		"lumin": ${minUsed},
      		"lua": ${averageUsed},
      		"lumax": ${maxUsed},
      		"lbmin": ${minBorrowed},
      		"lbmax": ${maxBorrowed},
      		"ldtc": ${denials},
      		"hu": ${hoursUsed},
      		"ft": ${total},
			"fns": ${featureName},
			"ftype": ${featureType},
			"fv": ${featureVersion}
  	"code": ${code},
  	"totalCount": ${count}

where the response fields can be explained as follows:




Internal License Statistics identification of the license server group to show usage history for.
${returnType}YesstringStandard format option. See Making an API request for details.
sdYesdateStart date for which the report will be generated.
edYesdateEnd date for which the report will be generated.

Period type the result is aggregated for. See granularity descriptions for further details.

standard report optionsNovarious

See Making an API request for details.


On success, this report will contain one row for every feature and every period in which the feature was monitored. Each row consists of the following columns.

ColumnFull nameTypeDescriptionVisible by default in export

The time period. Format depends on granularity.

(tick) Yes
fidFeature IdintegerInternal License Statistics identification of the feature(minus) No
fnsFeature NamestringFeature name.(warning) Visible for all, but feature
fvFeature VersionstringFeature version.(warning) Visible for all, but feature
ftypeFeature TypeenumerationSee feature type descriptions for details.(warning) Visible for all, but feature
luminMin UsedintegerMinimal number of licenses of the feature used in the period.(tick) Yes
luaAvg UsedfloatAverage number of licenses of the feature used in the period.(tick) Yes
lumaxMax UsedintegerMaximum number of licenses of the feature used in the period. (tick) Yes
lbminMin BorrowedintegerMinimal number of licenses of the feature borrowed in the period.(tick) Yes
lbmaxMax BorrowedintegerMaximum number of licenses of the feature borrowed in the period. (tick) Yes
ftTotalintegerTotal number of licenses of the feature available in period.(tick) Yes
huHours UsedfloatCumulative time used by all licenses of the feature in the period, in hours.(tick) Yes


DenialsintegerNumber of denials of check out of a license of the feature in the period.(tick) Yes

Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file for the license server and license server group reports. For feature, feature composite and comparison default order is: fn, fns, fv, lud, lumin, lua, lumax, lbmin, lbmax, ft, hu, ldtc.