Versions Compared


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This page refers to functionality that has been removed from License Statistics. This information no longer applies to License Statistics v6.3 and newer.

The Current Usage endpoint delivers current license usage metrics, as detailed below.


On success, this report will contain one row for each feature-user pair, where user has checked out licenses of feature on multiple hosts. Each row consists of the following columns.

ColumnFull nameTypeDescriptionVisible by default in export
fidFeature Idinteger

Internal License Statistics identification of the feature.

Minus (-)(minus)No
fnsFeature NamestringName of feature.(tick)Yes
fvFeature VersionstringFeature version.(tick)Yes
ftypeFeature TypeenumerationSee feature type descriptions for details.(tick)Yes
vnVendorstringName of license server vendor hosting the feature.(tick)Yes
lsidLicense Server Idinteger

Internal identification of license server hosting the feature.

Minus (-)(minus)No
lsnLicense ServerstringName of license server hosting the feature.(tick)Yes
uidUser IdintegerInternal License Statistics identification of the user.Minus (-)(minus)No
unUsernameUserstringUser name.(tick)Yes
hlHostnamesHostsstringList of hosts on which the user has checked out licenses of the feature, separated by a semicolon (;).(tick)Yes
uilUser is from LDAPbooleanIndicates whether user details have been imported from an LDAP directory. Note that you cannot filter and order data by this field.Error (x)(error) Unavailable

Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file.


Full name
Visible by default in export
fidFeature IDintegerInternal License Statistics identification of the used feature.Minus (-)(minus)No
fnsFeature NamestringName of the used feature.(tick)Yes
fvFeature VersionstringVersion of the used feature.(tick)Yes
ftypeFeature TypeenumerationType of the used feature. See feature type descriptions for further details.(tick)Yes


VendorstringName license server vendor hosting the used feature.(tick)Yes
lsidLicense Server IdintegerInternal License Statistics identification of license server hosting the used feature.
Minus (-)(minus)No
lsnLicense ServerstringName of license server hosting the used feature.
uidUser IdintegerInternal License Statistics identification of user that checked out licenses.Minus (-)(minus)No




Name of user that checked out licenses.





Host on which licenses were checked out.





Total number of licenses used by user on host.



Time Used


Indicates how long licenses have been in use; e.g., 1d 2h 10 min. Note that you cannot filter on this field.



User is from LDAP


Indicates whether user details have been imported from an LDAP directory. Note that you cannot filter and order data by this field.

Error (x)(error) Unavailable

Note that the order in the table is the default order of the columns in the exported file.
