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The LAC_CreateLicenseRequest function will create a license request and generate a license.




\[in\] Activation key (for example, 9EFJK-TVJM0-MCDET-EZKXJ).


Wiki Markup\[in\] Hostid, in the format _type_=_value_ (for example, ] A client-side HostID, in the format HostID_type=value (for example, HOSTNAME=my_hostname)


. To provide more than one HostID, use a comma-separated HostID list (HostID_type1=value1, HostID_type2=value2, etc.), from which LAC will select the first appropriate value. This value should be NULL if not relevant. See your license manager documentation for valid HostID types. (For LM-X License Manager, see the LM-X Developers Manual.)

When entering an Ethernet HostID, the format must be 12 hexadecimal characters with or without separators; for example, 48-2C-6A-1E-59-3D, 00:50:A7:B6-CC-1A or ABC82739BEFA. LM-X 16-character encrypted Ethernet HostIDs are no longer supported.


[in] SOAP API endpoint URL. This value should be set to Wiki Markup\[in\] SOAP API endpoint URL (this value should be set to [|]2.


Wiki Markup\[in\] An optional client-side proxy host to be used with a request (this value should be NULL if not relevant).


Wiki Markup
\[in\] An optional client-side proxy port number to be used with a request (this value should be 0 if not relevant).


Wiki Markup
\[in\] An optional client-side proxy username to be used with a request (this value should be NULL if not relevant).


Wiki Markup
\[in\] An optional client-side proxy password to be used with a request (this value should be NULL if not relevant).


request. This value should be NULL if not relevant.

Note: This function will attempt to contact LAC directly if no proxy is specified, so if you have a firewall or router that redirects traffic, ensure your configuration handles this correctly.


[in] An optional client-side proxy port number to be used with a request. This value should be 0 if not relevant.


[in] An optional client-side proxy username to be used with a request. This value should be NULL if not relevant.


[in] An optional client-side proxy password to be used with a request. This value should be NULL if not relevant.


[out] Pointer to a string that will hold the error message. The string length can be up to Wiki Markup\[out\] Pointer to a string that will hold the license or error message. The string length can be up to LAC_MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH.

Return Values

On success, this function returns the status code LAC_SUCCESS. The license can then be retrieved using LAC_GetLicense.

On failure, this function returns an error code in the format described in Return SOAP API return codes.