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The information on this page refers to License Statistics



3 or

22 and newer, which added

LDAP information and saved user preferences to the User Group page

Auto Assign options to Agent groups. If you are using

v4.0 or previous

a version previous to v6.22, see documentation for previous versions.


To create and manage License Statistics user, host, and license server and Agent groups, use the User Groups, Host Groups, and License Server Groups tabs on the Administration page. Working with and Agent Groups tabs in the Groups page, found under the Administration section of the left navigation pane. (The Groups page is visible only for License Statistics administrator users.) 

The method for creating and editing groups is the same for all types of types. Our example that follows illustrates creating a user group. 

To create a new group and add/remove group members:

  1. Open the Groups page under the Administration section of the left navigation pane.

    Image Added

  2. Select the User Groups, Host Groups, or License Server Groups or Agent Groups tab, depending on the type of group you want to create.

  3. At Click the Add button at the bottom of the Groups table, click Add Newgrid.

  4. In the General tab of the Create Group dialog that appears, enter the group name and, if desired, a description. page, complete the Name field (required) and Description field (optional) for the new group.

  5. If you are adding an Agent group: You can use the Auto Assign options to automatically assign Agents to the group. See Agent groups for details.

  6. Click Next to continue to the Users/Hosts/License Servers/Agents tab, where you select group members. (The Next button is disabled until you have filled in the required Name field.)

    This tab contains two tables: the "Users not in group" table on the left lists all members that are
    not included in the group (which will be all members, initially), and the "Users in group" table on the right lists all members included in the group. You move members from one list to the other to specify which members to include in the group. In the "not , as shown below. (Note that the tables may be stacked vertically instead of horizontally if your display is narrow, in which case the "not in group" table will be on the top and the "in group" table will be on the bottom of the display.)

    Image Added

  7. In the "Not In Group" grid the left, check the box next to the userusers/hosthosts/license server names servers/agents you want to add to the group. You can select as many users/hosts/license servers/agents as needed. (To select all users/hosts/license serversrows, click in the checkbox in the header row, above the individual user/host/license server/agent entries.)

    For license server groups: The selected members must have the same vendor. For FlexNet,
    the selected members must have vendors with the same daemon are treated as having the same vendor and gathering type (Realtime or Imported)., so they can be grouped. (See Vendor aliases for a list of daemons and the vendors they serve licenses for.)

  8. Click Add to group Click the Add >> button located between the grids to add the members to the group. The members are moved to the "in group" table on the rightIn Group" grid.

    As an alternative to using the Add button, you can drag and drop items from the "Not In Group" grid to the "In Group" grid. If you have checked multiple items, all checked items will be added to the group.

  9. To remove members from the group, select members from the "in group" table on the right In Group" grid in the same way as described above, and click Remove (or drag and drop the items from the "In Group" grid to the "Not In Group" grid). 

  10. After you have added all members to the group. The removed group members are listed again in the "not in group" table on the left. , click Save to save the group and close the dialog. You return to the Administration: Groups page, where your new group is now listed in the Groups grid.

Note that:

  • The user/host/license server/agent can be added to as many other groups as desired. 
  • For License Server Groupslicense server groups, if a user hides individual license servers that are included in a group, the group will still be visible.
  • For User Groupsuser groups, LDAP information is given but is not editable.
  • For license server groups, the server you want to drag to the table on the right must have the same vendor as the servers in the "in group" table.
  • Your selections are saved as preferences for the next time you log into License Statistics using the same login.

To edit a group:

  1. Select the desired group from the User/Host/License Server Group drop-down list.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make the desired changes to the group name and/or description, and click Submit to accept the changes.

To delete a group:

  1. Select the desired group from the User/Host/License Server Group drop-down list.
  2. Click Remove.