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page refers to functionality that has been removed from License Statistics


. The licstatreport utility is no longer supported as of License Statistics v4.10.

In addition to the report features found in the License Statistics web application, License Statistics includes a command-line report utility, licstatreport, that lets you download reports as CSV files without using a web browser. This utility works for both Windows and Unix(licstatreport.exe) and Linux (licstatreport)

To download a report, you specify parameters that are required to get data from the server. There is a common set of parameters for downloading reports, plus parameters that are specific to the particular reports being dowloaded.

The common parameters are given in the following table. Note: If a parameter value has spaces in it, it should be enclosed in quotes (for example, "IBM LUM").

-username <username> : in place of <username>, client has to put his username used to log in to License Statistics
-password <password> : in place of <password>, client has to put his password used to log in to License Statistics with name specified in "-username" parameter
                       if user wil not specify this paramter, after running licstatreport he will be asked to type it in(this way password is not visible)
-url <hosturl> : in place of <hosturl>, client hast to put URL to his License Statistics server (ipv6 is not supported). If user changed HTTP_BASE_URL in xflicstat.cfg, value he put there has to be put in here.
-report <type> : in place of <type>, client has to put type of report he wants to download. Supported types are UsagePerFeature and UsagePerUser.
-reportformat <type> : in place of <type>, user can put file type for downloaded report. This parameter is optional. If user won't specify this parameter,
                       default will be used. Default format is CSV. Currently it is also only supported format.
-output <path> : in place of <path>, user can put filename for his report. This parameter is optional. If won't be specified, licstatreport will generate
                       filename based on time of running application, report type and report format.
                       Pattern: "report_<report_type>_<time>.<report_format>". For example if user downloads Usage Per User report to CSV at 12:23:33 2012/05/13 then report
                       report will be saved to file report_usageperuser_20120513_1223.csv. If file pointed at by filename specified by user or generated by licstatreport already exists,
                       it will be overwritten. If specified by user target filename contains directory which doesn't exist, dir won't be created and licstatreport will fail with proper message.

Below description of specific parameters:
Report: Usage Per Feature:
                                -servername <name> : in place of <name>, client has to put name of licenseserver for which report is going to be generated
                                -vendorname <name> : in place of <name>, client has to put name of vendor for which report is going to be generated
                                -licmanagertype <type> : in place of <type>, client has to put type of license manager. Supported types are:
                                                         LMThe licstatreport utility lets you generate data for realtime servers only. Therefore, if your installation of License Statistics supports gathering both realtime and imported data, only the realtime data can be downloaded using the licstatreport utility. Supported license managers include LM-X, FlexNet, Sentinel RMS, IBM LUM, Custom, HASP, RLM, BETA LM, RSoft, LICMAN, LS-Dyna, Dassault, GNS, and MathLM, Felics
                                -feature <name> : in place of <name>, client has to put name of feature for wich report is going to be generated
                                -datefrom <date> : in place of <date>, client has to put start date for which report is going. to be generated.
                                                         Supported date format is: YYYY-MM-DD (example: for 2011-02-28)
                                -dateto <date> : in place of <date>, client has to put start date for which report is going. to be generated.
                                                         Supported date format is: YYYY-MM-DD (example: for 2011-02-28)
Error messages:
"Licstat Error: Invalid date parameter:" - if date specified by user is formatted incorrectly. Supported date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
"Licstat Error: Unsupported license manager type:" - if specified license manager is not supported
"Licstat Error: Unsupported file format:" - if specified file format is not supported
"Licstat Error: Unrecognized report type:" - if specified report type is not supported
"Licstat Error: Saving to file <output_filename> failed!" - it can happen for example due to the fact, that directory in which file should be saved doesn't exist, or user doesn't have permissions
                                                            to write to specific file
"Licstat Error: Saving data to <output_filename> failed!" - it can happen for example due to the fact, that there is not enough space on hard drive
"Licstat Error: Report is not encoded with Base64!" - it can happen because of failure of downloading data from License Statistics server
"Failed to connect with SOAP server!" - problem with connection to License Statistics server (for example if url points at ipv6 hostname which is not supported, or License Statistics is not running or URL is incorrect)
"Client version does not match server version!" - version of licstatreport is different from version of License Statistics
"Invalid username or password!" - provided username or password is incorrect
"Specified feature does not exist!" - feature specified doesn't exist in database
"Specified license server does not exist!" - specified license server does not exist.

To download a report, you must specify parameters that retrieve specific data from the server. There is a common set of parameters for downloading reports, plus parameters that are specific to the particular reports being downloaded, including:

Note: If a parameter value has spaces in it, it should be enclosed in quotes (for example, "IBM LUM").