The information on this page refers to LM-X v5.4.1 or newer, which introduced the LMX_Admin_VerifyCredentials function and brute force password protection

The LMX_Admin_VerifyCredentials function verifies credentials for the specified server.


LMX_STATUS LMX_Admin_VerifyCredentials
   LMX_HANDLE LmxHandle,
   const char *szHostname,
   int nPort,
   const char *szPassword


[in/out] LM-X handle.

[in] Hostname of the license server to verify credentials. The maximum length of the hostname can be up to LMX_MAX_LONG_STRING_LENGTH.

[in] Port of the license server to verify credentials. Port must be within the range of 1 - 65535.

[in] Password to verify. The maximum length of the password can be up to LMX_MAX_LONG_STRING_LENGTH. Note that LM-X uses brute force password protection to prevent brute-force attacks.

Return values

On success, this function returns the status code LMX_SUCCESS. If the authorization fails, this function returns LMX_AUTH_ERROR.

If there are too many failed attempts, this function returns the status code LMX_AUTH_TOO_MANY.

Other error codes returned on failure are described in Return codes.