LM-X License Manager version 4.9.19 includes the enhancements and fixes detailed below. The changes in this release were made primarily in response to customer feedback. For more information about how we incorporate customer feedback into our development process, see Customer-driven development.


LM-X v4.9.19 includes the following enhancements.

Issue #Description

Due to Apple's requirements, we are now signing our CLI tools. Customers should also sign our DLLs. (Read more at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution.)

LMX-3865Refactored license checkout process to improve speed and license prioritization.


LM-X v4.9.19 includes the following fixes.

Issue #Description


Internal license parsing is now more restrictive. Unsupported tokens will fail license validation.
LMX-3897Fixed problem with case-sensitive feature name comparison.
LMX-3882Several problems with the ordering of shared additive license checkouts have been fixed.