The information on this page refers to LM-X v4.9.16 or newer, which added the new error codes 63 and 64. These codes are not included in previous versions of LM-X. |
The following table lists the possible error codes that are returned upon any failure of API functions:
Return Code # | Return Code | Description |
0 | LMX_SUCCESS | Operation successful. |
1 | LMX_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown error occurred. |
2 | LMX_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid input parameter. |
3 | LMX_NO_NETWORK | Unable to initialize network subsystem. |
4 | LMX_BAD_LICFILE | License file is using unknown/invalid syntax. |
5 | LMX_NO_MEMORY | No more available memory. |
6 | LMX_FILE_READ_ERROR | Unable to read file. |
7 | LMX_BAD_DATE | Invalid date. |
8 | LMX_BAD_KEY | Invalid license key. |
9 | LMX_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND | Feature not found. |
10 | LMX_BAD_HOSTID | HostID does not match license. |
11 | LMX_TOO_EARLY_DATE | Software activation date is not yet reached. |
12 | LMX_TOO_LATE_DATE | Software expired. |
13 | LMX_BAD_VERSION | Software version does not match license. |
14 | LMX_NETWORK_ERROR | Unexpected network-related error occurred. |
15 | LMX_NO_NETWORK_HOST | Unable to connect to license server. |
16 | LMX_NETWORK_DENY | Rejected actively from license server. |
17 | LMX_NOT_ENOUGH_LICENSES | Request for more licenses than available on license server. |
18 | LMX_BAD_SYSTEMCLOCK | System clock has been set back. |
19 | LMX_TS_DENY | Feature not allowed to run on terminal server clients. |
20 | LMX_VIRTUAL_DENY | Feature not allowed to run on a virtual machine. |
21 | LMX_BORROW_TOO_LONG | The specified borrow period is too long. |
22 | LMX_FILE_SAVE_ERROR | Unable to save file. |
23 | LMX_ALREADY_BORROWED | Feature already borrowed. |
24 | LMX_BORROW_RETURN_ERROR | Unable to return borrowed feature. |
25 | LMX_SERVER_BORROW_ERROR | Deprecated. License server returned borrow error. |
26 | LMX_BORROW_NOT_ENABLED | Borrow functionality not enabled on client side. |
27 | LMX_NOT_BORROWED | The feature that was attempted to be returned was not borrowed. |
28 | LMX_DONGLE_ERROR | Dongle is not attached or does not function correctly. |
29 | LMX_SOFTLIMIT | Request exceeds the number of softlimit licenses available. |
30 | LMX_BAD_PLATFORM | Platform not permitted by license. |
31 | LMX_RESET_SYSTEMCLOCK_EXCEEDED | Deprecated. Number of allowed reset system clock attempts exceeded. |
32 | LMX_TOKEN_LOOP | Infinite token loop detected. |
33 | LMX_BLACKLIST | Feature is blacklisted. |
34 | LMX_VENDOR_DENY | Feature checkout rejected by vendor-defined rules. |
35 | LMX_NOT_NETWORK_FEATURE | Unable to use local license as a network license. |
36 | LMX_BAD_TIMEZONE | Checkout is not permitted in the client time zone. |
37 | LMX_SERVER_NOT_IN_USE | License server is not currently in use. |
38 | LMX_LICSERVICE_ERROR | Deprecated. Problem with License Distribution Service. |
40 | LMX_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Functionality not implemented. |
41 | LMX_BORROW_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | License server limitation on number of borrowed features exceeded. |
42 | LMX_SERVER_FUNC_ERROR | License server function error occurred. |
43 | LMX_HEARTBEAT_LOST_LICENSE | License is lost due to heartbeat failure. |
44 | LMX_SINGLE_LOCK | Unable to obtain single-usage lock. |
45 | LMX_AUTH_ERROR | Cannot authenticate user on license server. |
46 | LMX_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR | Error sending message over network. |
47 | LMX_NETWORK_RECEIVE_ERROR | Error receiving message over network. |
48 | LMX_QUEUE | Feature has been queued. |
49 | LMX_BAD_SECURITY_CONFIG | LM-X security configuration file mismatch. |
50 | LMX_FEATURE_HAL_MISMATCH | Feature has different HAL settings than other features on the same license server. |
51 | LMX_NOT_LOCAL_FEATURE | Unable to use network license as a local license. |
52 | LMX_FEATURE_NOT_REPLACEABLE | Unable to replace missing feature. |
53 | LMX_HOSTID_NOT_AVAILABLE | HostID is not available on the current machine. |
54 | LMX_FEATURE_ALREADY_RESERVED | Feature is already reserved. |
55 | LMX_FEATURE_ALREADY_CHECKED_OUT | Feature is already checked out. |
56 | LMX_RESERVATION_NOT_FOUND | Reservation not found. |
57 | LMX_API_NOT_REENTRANT | Calling an API function from a callback function is not allowed. |
58 | LMX_LICENSE_UPLOAD_ERROR | Problem with license file upload. |
59 | LMX_INTERNAL_LICENSE_NOT_EMBEDDED | Internal LM-X license file is not embedded. |
60 | LMX_SYSTEM_INTERPROCESS | Interprocess resource locking error. |
61 | LMX_CANNOT_LOAD_SHARED_LIBRARY | Cannot load LM-X library. (We recommend that you check the permissions for the C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp folder.) |
62 | LMX_SERVER_VERSION_TOO_LOW | License server version is lower than the client. |
63 | LMX_VENDOR_NAME_MISMATCH | License vendor names do not match. |
64 | LMX_SECURITY_CONFIG_NOT_EMBEDDED | LM-X security configuration file is not embedded. |