This page refers to License Statistics v6.11 and newer, which introduced Feature Collections. 

Feature Collections let you combine features to group/packages/products. Naming depends on license manager, if it's supported. We decided to name it Collection in licstat.

It's purely business functionality which allows vendors to combine multiple features into the single collection and sell it as a single product. Result is that the customer can have THE SAME feature (name, version, type) bought with different collections. It's often that the price can be different for each such package, eg.

Collection 1: 100x F1 + 100x F2 + 10x F3 = $10.000/y
Collection 2: 20x F1 + 100x F3 = $5.000/y
Collection 3: 50x F1 + 200x F4 = $15.000/y

In the example above all "F1" features are available to employees, but the price per single F1 license depends on the collection it was bought with. In such case Customer is interested to know from WHICH collection the F1 license was consumed.