To retrieve the log for a license order with a given activation key, use the following request:

GET /license-orders/activation_key/logs


Query parameters

Query parameters include the following.


Example request

GET /license-orders/II1HP-TX8EQ-R1QXZ-7LYXF/logs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer f794846b7c26621688e1e06164975b4eae8ce2f6


The LAC REST API returns the standard HTTP response codes described in the following table.

Status CodeDescription
200 OKLogs list.
403 ForbiddenInvalid or expired token provided.
404 Not FoundLicense order activation key does not exist.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

		"time": "2019-08-20 09:40:35",
		"action": "Added",
		"user": "Demo Account",
		"hostname": "local-pc",
		"ip_address": "",
		"hostids": null
		"time": "2019-08-20 10:06:26",
		"action": "Edited",
		"user": "Demo Account",
		"hostname": "local-pc",
		"ip_address": "",
		"hostids": null
		"time": "2019-08-20 13:26:19",
		"action": "Activation Requested",
		"user": "End User",
		"hostname": "local-pc",
		"ip_address": "",
		"hostids": "Hostname: user-pc"