License Statistics API allows you to obtain information about Current Feature Usage. The report consists of two parts: Current Feature Usage grid that shows usage at current moment, and Feature Usage chart, that shows how usage was shaped during the day

Obtaining information about current feature usage

To get data about feature usage during selected day use following URL template:

GET /api/v1/report/feature/${featureId}/current-usage/${returnType}


- $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a proper value, according to your needs

- the possible parameters are as follows:

${featureId}Yesinteger/stringId of feature for which you want to get data
${returnType}YesstringSpecifies the format in which the data should be returned. The format can be one of the following: json, csv, xls or pdf.
fieldsVisibility Nojson/string

Specifies field visibility settings, for example:

{ "un": "1", "hn": "1", "lus": "1", "lco": "1", "tu": "1", "lbe": "1" }

where number "1" indicates that a specific field is visible.


Note that the order of the settings you make is important – when exported, the fields will be visible in exactly the same order you specify here.


rnNostringSpecifies the name of the report that will be displayed once the report has been exported to PDF or XLS. For CSV and JSON formats this parameter will be ignored.
If you don't pass this parameter, it will be generated automatically for PDF and XLS types. If provided, it cannot be left empty.

Applies filtering license usage data on all fields.

To filter by string column, use the following format: 

        "type": "string",
        "field": ""${un | hn | lco | lbe}",
        "value": "${value}"

Obtaining information about feature usage during given day

To get data about feature usage during selected day use following URL template:

GET /api/v1/report/feature/${featureId}/usage/chart/json?day=${day}


- $ indicates a variable value that you can replace with a proper value, according to your needs

- the possible parameters are as follows:

${featureId}YesintegerId of feature for which you want to get data
day NostringDate in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. States for which day we want to get the data. If not provided defaults to today


If your request is successful, you should see a response similar to the following: 


    success: ${success},
    msg: ${message},
    data: [{
        "fid": ${featureId},
        "lud": ${dateAndTime},
        "ltc": ${totalCount},
        "lumax": ${licenseUsageMax},
        "lbmax": ${licensesBorrowedMax}
    "code": ${errorCode},
    "totalCount": ${totalCount}

where the response fields can be explained as follows:

fidintegerFeature ID.
ludstringDate And Time.
ltcintegerLicense Total Count.
lumaxintegerMaximum Amount Of Used Licenses.
lbmaxintegerMaximum Amount Of Borrowed Licenses.