You must upgrade LM-X in order to get a newer version of the software, or after subscription renewal to avoid software expiration.

To upgrade to a newer version of LM-X:

  1. Important: Reuse your existing security configuration file and avoid generating a new file by copying the file to the config directory under the newly downloaded distribution directory. (Be sure to refer to the latest release notes for release-specific information regarding updating the security configuration file.) Also copy your existing lmxserverconf.c file to the config directory if you made changes to this file.

  2. Install the LM-X SDK on Windows or Unix.

  3. Replace the old LM-X files with the new files to complete the upgrade.

    Do not mix files between different distributions.

  4. Recompile and test your application with the new version of LM-X. 

Note: After upgrading, your existing deployed client applications and existing license files should continue to work with the new version, as described in Version compatibility.