LAC lets you create bulk license orders that allow your end users to activate a software license on more than one machine by using one activation key.

To create a bulk license order:

  1. Specify the number of allowed activations in the Activations Allowed field of the Settings tab in the Add License Order dialog as shown below. 


The following example shows general information about the created license order.

After activating four licenses, the number of remaining activations has decreased (from ten to six) and now indicates that we can still activate six licenses. Furthermore, the Licenses grid shows details of each activated license.

Note: Bulk licensing added the Activated Licenses grid to the Licenses page. The Activated Licenses grid includes four columns, i.e. Expiration Date, Maintenance End Date and Activation Time and HostIDs that were previously found in the License Orders grid.

 Note: Since each license (under the bulk license order) is identified by a unique combination of the activation key and HostID, end users can activate bulk licenses on their own using the end-user portal, email. or the API, as described in Activating software licenses.