For either Windows or Linux, you can activate your license online, as described below. However, using this method is recommended only when there are issues using the preferred methods described in Activating a License Statistics license.

To activate your license online:

  1. Go to the License Activation Center.

  2. Enter your license Activation Key (sent to you via email) in the Activate License section of the login page. If you cannot locate your activation key, request it by contacting us.

  3. After entering your activation key, click Log in.

  4. Enter the ETHERNET and HOSTNAME HostIDs for the machine where the license is being installed. (Note that on Windows you can also use other HostIDs, such as HARDDISK, BIOS, and WIN_PRODUCT_ID.)

    The format for entering your HostID information is TYPE1=value1, TYPE2=value2, etc. For example: ETHERNET=0018DEBC98A8, HOSTNAME=amilo.

    To find the HostIDs, use the command-line utility lmxendutil or graphical utility lmxconfigtool (for Windows). These tools are available after installing LM-X end-user tools, and will be located in the tools folder under the License Statistics installation directory. Note that installing LM-X license server is not necessary to obtain the required utilities.

  5. Click Activate license.

  6. Click Download license.

  7. Upload the license file to License Statistics using the UI or CLI, as described in Activating a License Statistics license.