X-Formation supports backward compatibility between new versions of LM-X and existing licenses and network clients to the greatest extent possible. We make every effort to ensure that existing deployed software will continue to work with future license servers, and older license files can be read by newer servers.
Although we will strive for backward compatibility in all future releases of LM-X, we cannot guarantee maintaining compatibility if doing so might compromise the security of protected applications.
Be sure to read the release notes for all new LM-X releases to learn of any issues that may affect version compatibility. You can also find more information about version compatibility, including special switches that you can use to maintain compatibility after breaking changes, in our Knowledgebase article, "How does LM-X provide compatibility between different versions?"( http://kb.x-formation.com/questions/75/How+does+LM-X+provide+compatibility+between+different+versions%3F).