Versions Compared


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The information on this page refers to License Statistics v4.12 or newer, which eliminated the need to run an Apache web server manually by copying the command from the log file. If your are using an earlier version, please refer to the documentation for releases prior to v4.12.


The License Statistics Usage Monitor is configured by default to use port 80 for the http server, which is used to display License Statistics web-based UI pages in the browser. If this port (or another port you specified in the configuration file) is already being used by another application, you will see an error similar to the following in the License Statistics log file, licstat.log.

Apache is not responding to HTTP requests! Please make sure no other application is blocking port .. or your DNS service works properly!
Please verify that configured port is not in use by other application.
Please make sure that current user has permissions to use configured port.

To resolve this issue:


To resolve this issue, you need to specify the certificate details by setting SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE and SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE in the License Statistics configuration file (xflicstat.cfg) for a server that can be reached from a License Statistics browser. Other certificates will not be accepted.

For more information about setting SSL properties for Apache, see Enabling Apache SSL.


If there are problems with LICENSE_STATISTICS_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/log/ui folder permissions, you may see an error similar to the following in the License Statistics log file, licstat.log.

[2014/10/30 08:00:00] ERROR: PHP jobs scheduler encountered a problem: 500 Internal Server Error

To confirm that the problem is related to permissions—which may prevent some log files from being written in the LICENSE_STATISTICS_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/log/ui folder—it is recommended to verify that the ui folder contains any files and/or if they are up-to-date. Note that the ui folder may contain either no files or outdated files, depending on whether the problem occurred shortly after installing License Statistics or at a later point in time.

To resolve this issue, you need to increase ui folder permission settings.