Versions Compared


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Important: You must reuse this security configuration file for the lifetime of your application. When updating to new builds of LM-X or compiling LM-X on multiple platforms, the installer will let you choose an existing security configuration file. If you do not choose an existing security configuration file while running the installer, you must manually place the file in the config directory after installing the SDK.

Compiling the LM-X SDK manually

If needed (for example, if you are extending the functionality of LM-X), you can recompile the LM-X SDK manually after initial installation.

Before recompiling the LM-X SDK, put your compiled source code in the ./platform/vendor directory (where platform is the platform-specific directory as listed in the table below). Placing the source code in this directory will allow you to compile without requiring any modifications to the SDK.

To compile the SDK, execute the makefile from the root directory of the LM-X distribution:

On Windows, type: nmake (for example, C:\lm-x_distrib> nmake). Alternatively, you can use Visual Studio solutions lmx_vs2008.sln, lmx_vs2010.sln, or lmx_vs2012.sln.

On Unix, type: make (using GNU make; for example, /home/user1/lm-x_distrib$ make).


  • For Windows 64-bit builds, be sure to set the environment properly, for example by running the following command:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall x86_amd64

Directory Structure

After you've compiled the platform-specific files, your LM-X directory structure should look similar to the following:




File defining which platform to compile examples for.


Security configuration file.


Shared header files across all platforms.

Platform-specific directories, such as:

Platform-specific files.

Note: If you want to compile the examples for a particular platform, you must change \, where the variable PLATFORM specifies which platform the examples are compiled for. 

Mixing files works only between identical versions of LM-X; for example, v4.2 files are not compatible with v4.3 files. You can verify the same version is being used by checking the version.txt file.

Building LM-X for multiple platforms

To build LM-X for multiple platforms:

  1. Install one of the distributions, and make sure the security configuration file is in place.
  2. Copy or move the platform-specific directory (for example, win32_x86 or solaris_sparc) to the root directory of LM-X. (Only platform-specific files are stored in the platform-specific directory. All shared files exist in the include directory, which is also located in the LM-X root directory.)
  3. From the platform-specific directory, compile the platform-specific files. 
    • On Windows, type: nmake (for example, C:\lm-x_distrib\win32_x86> nmake). Alternatively, you can use Visual Studio solutions lmx_vs2008.sln, lmx_vs2010.sln, or lmx_vs2012.sln.
    • On Unix, type: make (using GNU make).