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The syntax for xfcustomreport is as follows. Brackets indicate optional entries.


Generate a usage report. Use this command or the -userreport or -usergroupreport command.


Generate a user report. Use this command or the -usagereport or -usergroupreport command.


Generate a user group report for groups (created using User Groups from the Administration page in the License Statistics web application). Use this command or the -usagereport or -userreport command.


Generate a host report.


Generate a host group report (created using Host Groups from the Administration page in the License Statistics web application).

-description description

Text that describes the report. This text will be included in the report heading.

-reportname report_name

The name under which to save the generated HTML and CSV file.

-database database1,database2...

The databases to query. Enter the full or relative path and separate multiple entries with commas.

-includecolumn max_used_hours, total_used_hours, max_used_licenses,total_licenses

The columns to include in the report. Enter one or more of the options, separating multiple entries with commas. The valid options are as follows.

For usagereport, shows the greatest number of hours any user has used the application at once based on the number of licenses used. For -userreport, shows the greatest number of hours that a particular user used an application based on the number of licenses used. This option cannot be used with -usergroupreport.

For -usagereport, sums up the total number of hours the application has been used based on the number of licenses used. For -userreport, shows the total hours any single user used an application based on the number of licenses used. For-usergroupreport, shows the total number of hours each group used an application based on the number of licenses used.

For -usagereport, shows the greatest number of licenses used during the report period. For -userreport, shows the greatest number of licenses a single user used at once. This option cannot be used with -usergroupreport.

total_licenses (-usagereport only) Shows the total licenses available during the report period. This option cannot be used with -userreport or -usergroupreport.

-graphs enable/disable

Optional. Specify whether to enable or disable graph output.  The default is to enable graphs.

Note: Disable graph output if you are creating a report for over 25 entities, which is the limit for graph output. If graph output is not disabled for reports with over 25 entities, the report cannot be created.

 -borrow enable/disable

Optional. Specify whether to enable or disable including borrow information in reports. The default is to enable borrow.

-delimiter tab/comma/semicolon

Optional. Specify the delimiter in the CSV file. This can be tab, comma or semicolon. Default is comma.

-featurereportmode includeall/excludeall

Optional. Include or exclude all features in the report results. The default is to include all features.

-featurefilter app1,app2...

Optional. Exclude specified features from report results. Name each feature to exclude from results, separating multiple entries with commas.

Note: feature names may not include spaces. Replace any spaces with underscores.

You can use -featurefilter along with -featurereportmode excludeall to exclude all except the named features in the report.

For example, if you want to exclude all features from a usage report except "starpar" and "starsuite", you would type: "-featurereportmode excludeall -featurefilter starpar,starsuite" in the -usagereport command. The report would then include only the features starpar and starsuite.

-userhostreportmode includeall/excludeall

Optional. For use with -userreport or -hostreport only. Include or exclude all users/hosts in the report results. The default is to include all users/hosts.

-userhostfilter user1,user2,host1, host2...

Optional. For use with -userreport or -hostreport only. Exclude specified users/hosts from report results. Name each user/host to exclude from results, separating multiple entries with commas. This feature is useful for creating detailed user/host group reports.

Using -userhostfilterin conjunction with --userhostreportmode excludeall results in including only the specified users/hosts in the report.

For example, if you want to exclude all users from a report except "johnbrown" and "susansmith," you would type: "-userhostreportmode excludeall -userhostfilter johnbrown,susansmith" in the -userreport command. The report would then include only the users johnbrown and susansmith.  

-groupreportmode includeall/excludeall

Optional. For use with -usergroupreport or -hostgroupreport only. Include or exclude all groups in the report results. The default is to include all groups.

-groupfilter group1,group2...

Optional. For use with -usergroupreport or -hostgroupreport only. Exclude specified groups from report results. Name each group to exclude from results, separating multiple entries with commas.

Using -groupfilter in conjunction with -groupreportmode excludeall results in including only the specified groups in the report.

For example, if you want to exclude all groups from a report except "GroupA" and "GroupB," you would type: "-groupreportmode excludeall -groupfilter GroupA,GroupB" in the -usergroupreport or -hostgroupreport command. The report would then include only the groups GroupA and GroupB.  

-reportperiod  day/week/month/quarter/year

Optional. Specify the period of time on which to report. Default report period is monthly.

-starttime yyyy-mm-dd

Optional. Specify a start time for the report in yyyy-mm-dd format. All data before the specified time will be ignored.

For example, if the database collected data in both 2006 and 2007, and you want to see only year 2007 data in the report, you would set the -starttime to 2007-01-01.

-endtime yyyy-mm-dd

Optional. Specify an end time for the report. All data after the specified time will be ignored.

For example, if you want to see a report only through the last full month, you would specify the end date of the past month; for example, 2010-07-30.